Biden’s Ineffective Posturing: Distracts from Real Solutions after Wisconsin School Shooting

Sadly, another school shooting event devastated Wisconsin, yet President Joe Biden still limps on the matter, clumsily expressing his ‘sympathy’ for the victims. He even had the gall to launch into yet another speech demanding stricter gun control laws from Congress. This in the aftermath of the tragedy that took place at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, where a teacher and a teenager unceremoniously lost their lives.

Rather than addressing the underlying issues and discussing practical solutions, Biden was quick to jump to the typical Democratic rhetoric points about gun control. The script was familiar, talking about the incidents in Newtown, Connecticut, Uvalde, Texas, and Parkland, Florida. In an air of sanctimony, Biden deplored that protection from gun violence, especially for our children, seems to be leaning towards an unacceptable level.

Biden continued to paint a doomsday picture, stating that accepting such a condition as ‘normal’ was not an option. An overused statement of feel-good intentions instead of substantial action. He then proceeded with his narrative that children in America should be focusing on their education, not learning survival tactics, manipulating the audience’s emotions instead of suggesting a working solution.

The Abundant Life Christian School shooting was indeed a tragedy in every sense. Two precious lives were lost – a dedicated teacher and an innocent student. Two more students are battling their lives in the hospital while four others recover from non-life-threatening injuries. A grim reminder of the realities we face today.

Somehow, amidst the chaos, Biden found time to pat himself on the back. He boasted about speaking with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. Offering his ‘support’ post-tragedy, another typical move by a sitting president trying to exhibit some semblance of control over an uncontrollable situation.

Lamentably, Biden, along with his wife Dr. Jill Biden, added they were ‘praying’ for the victims of the Madison shooting. A public relations flex, specifically designed to twist public sentiment rather than consider practical solutions to put an end to these tragic events from recurring.

In his usual thank you galore, Biden didn’t forget to appreciate all the first responders who made it promptly to the scene during the shooting. He conveniently emphasized that the FBI was assisting local law enforcement agencies, and at his command, his team has reached out to local officials to offer any needed support.

Interestingly, while acknowledging the efforts to combat gun violence made under his administration, Biden failed to mention the gravity and complexity of the problem. He proudly discussed the passing of the most significant gun-safety legislation in three decades but evaded the fact that these legislations have failed to reduce such incidents.

Moreover, Biden kept pushing for more regulations. He urged Congress to pass more ‘commonsense’ gun safety laws, involving universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, a high-capacity magazines ban, and even a ‘red flag’ law. A move which many consider an infringement upon their constitutional rights.

His ‘red flag’ law would empower police and family members to secure a court order to temporarily confiscate firearms from a person they believe could be harmful. But this raises serious questions about due process, and many Americans view it as a stepping stone towards government overreach.

In his usual rhetoric-laden speech, Biden condemned the senseless violence that disturbs children, their families, and the entire community. However, his words came off as detached from reality, as he failed to even acknowledge the complex issues surrounding gun violence.

Despite Biden’s grandstanding, it is highly unlikely that additional gun safety measures will be considered in the nearer future. Republicans will take charge in both the House and the Senate starting in January, and they have a history of strong support for Second Amendment rights.

Moreover, with the return of Donald Trump, who was endorsed by the NRA, to the White House, Biden’s crusade for stricter gun control laws might finally meet a well-merited end. Biden’s legacy of mouthing platitudes instead of effective action will surely continue despite any real-world outcomes.