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Biden’s ‘Farewell Speech’ Shrouded in Self-Praise – No Substance, All Rhetoric?

Joe Biden is set to give what has been labeled as a ‘farewell speech’ from the cherished Oval Office with his vice president Kamala Harris joining him. Leaving behind a country grappling to recover from what he himself described as ‘a winter of peril’, the sentiment one could argue is fairly representative of his tenure thus far. He joined the helm at a challenging time, no doubt, but many argue that his administration only aggravated the hardships rather than solved them. The ‘winter of peril’ seems far from over indeed.

His address is speculated to be laden with self-gratifying overtures toward the work achieved under his watch. An attempt to paint a rosy picture of an administration battling various crises with supposed success and resilience. Yet, the common American’s day-to-day realities and struggles arguably cast a shadow on Biden’s prided success narratives.

The administration’s claim of consistent job growth is baffling in the context of rampant unemployment that plagues the nation. Jobs were certainly a significant theme, but perhaps more as a problem than as an achievement under his rule. The administration seems to be claiming victories in battles many Americans didn’t feel were won.

Cheaper prescription drugs are another ‘victory’ Biden is expected to highlight. A supposed success that’s hard to celebrate amidst the tale of inefficiencies in healthcare delivery and caring for America’s elderly. Even if the drug prices saw a downward curve, numerous Americans still grappled with inadequate healthcare.

Biden’s stance on clean energy, too, stands shaky. His efforts in this domain seem to prioritize symbolism over actual sustainable results. The ever-widening gap between his expressed commitment to the environment and the tangible results keep the public sceptic about his dedication to this cause.

Despite the doom and gloom Biden inherited from the Covid pandemic, to suggest that Americans are now ‘braving through it’ under his leadership comes across as ill-fitted. Sure, they braved through it, and continue to brave through it, but whether Biden has been effective in leading the nation out of the pandemic crisis is a topic of fierce contention.

Biden’s claim of prosperity and growth under his command also holds questionable merit. Underneath the layers of rhetoric, abundant are instances of economic instability and inflation for the ordinary citizens. The proclamation of emerging ‘stronger, more prosperous and more secure’ seems nothing more than a play of words in the hands of public relations gurus.

The Biden administration’s boasting of labor market gains seems more like smoke and mirrors than concrete achievements. For all the bragging about 16.6 million jobs supposedly created since he took office, the public is left wondering where all these jobs are. It seems more like a desperate attempt to spin the narrative of a struggling economy.

In his address, Biden makes veiled references without naming the President-elect, Donald Trump. His reasons for running for president were, as he put it, because he believed ‘the soul of America was at stake’. However, the irony is not lost on those observing how his reign has pushed the soul and identity of America into deeper turmoil.

Biden’s personal reflections are expected to follow, touching upon his modest beginnings and his position as a public official. His journey from a ‘kid with a stutter’ to the Oval Office is indeed noteworthy. However, where he has led the nation to since stepping into the Oval Office casts a long shadow onto his personal accomplishments.

While he states that he was ‘blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American people’, the stark reality of his declining approval ratings contradicts this. His words yet again exhibit a disconnection from public sentiment, proving how a leader’s view from the top might not align with those on the ground.

The enigmatic narrative of Biden’s term raises questions about his promises and their real-world impact. The seeming lack of alignment between the administration’s declarations and the population’s experiences creates an air of uncertainty about the country’s future direction.

As Joe Biden imparts these words to the nation, one can’t help but wonder about the looming disconnect between the ‘reality’ he presents and the one being lived by the American populace. The narrative of his administration’s ‘achievements’ appears to be masking the truth of the economic and social climate in the country.

The underwhelming performance of his administration, mirrored in the everyday struggles of the American people, seems to differ vastly from his words of self-praise. The reality of his leadership appears to be a stark contrast to the spectacle he’s set to stage.

Doubtless, as his legacy unravels, the question remains whether the so-called ‘achievements’ of Biden and Harris will hold up under scrutiny, or if they will crumble under the weight of relentless reality checks. Only time will truly disclose whether the Biden-Harris reign was all rhetoric and no substantial achievements or not