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Biden’s Disrespectful Disparagement of Trump Supporters

Joe Biden, our current president, responded to a wisecrack made at a Trump rally. The remark insinuated Puerto Rico was a ‘floating island of trash.’ Biden’s hasty and distasteful response was to call Trump supporters, the ‘garbage.’ This event transpired during a meeting held by Voto Latino, a Hispanic advocate organization.

His rebuke was almost nonsensical, laced with stammers and incoherent phrases as he endeavored to defend Puerto Rico from the sarcastic comment made at the Trump rally. It is indeed surprising that Biden, bearing the weight of being president, would choose to disparage those who hold different political beliefs.

Biden further built upon his outlandish rhetoric by accusing Trump and his followers of demonizing Latinos. He claimed that such actions were ‘un-American’ and in stark contrast to the country’s foundations—a rather perplexing charge to levy considering that disagreements form the backbone of any democratic society.

Repeatedly referring to Trump’s supporters as ‘garbage,’ Biden unfortunately forwent any attempt at striking a balanced, presidential tone. His unfettered mockery of American citizens who chose to support Trump has thrown the Democratic party’s motives and credibility into question.

Interestingly, Kamala Harris, Biden’s vice president and fellow Democrat, has been trying to fashion a more inclusive appeal, even to disgruntled Republicans. Biden’s acidic comments, however, considerably undermine her potential outreach.

Soon after Biden’s controversial remarks, Harris took to the Ellipse, a public park in Washington, making sweeping promises of unity and commitment towards all American citizens—a stark contrast to the polarizing message Biden seemed to project.

As the news of Biden’s outburst traveled, reactions started to pour in. At a rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida was quick to call out Biden for articulating such a derogatory comment about American patriots and the country’s ordinary citizens. He reiterated the fact that these were simply people who loved their nation.

Adding to the controversy, the Trump campaign took this chance to reach out to its supporters through a fundraising text. A bold and defiant response to Biden’s accusation highlighted how Trump sees his supporters—’AMAZING!’— painting a stark contrast to Biden’s insulting choice of words.

Biden’s demeaning statements about Trump’s supporters were not well received even within his party. Certain Democrats, realizing the potential repercussions of such a divisive remark, swiftly started to distance themselves from the President’s uncouth words.

One cannot help but recall Hillary Clinton’s infamous ‘basket of deplorables’ comment about Trump supporters during the 2016 presidential race. Clinton managed to alienate many when she used such a grossly generalized characterization of the Republican voter base. Trump’s followers turned the insult into a rallying cry, underlining the elitist and condescending attitude of the Democratic party.

The attention shifted back to Trump as he was asked about the inappropriate joke made at his New York rally. His casual dismissal of the incident signaled his focus on issues larger than petty insults.

At his rally in Allentown, Pennsylvania, which boasts a substantial Hispanic population, Trump highlighted Biden’s flawed immigration policies. He argued that these policies permit foreign countries to view America as a ‘giant trash bin,’ a scenario seemingly prompted by Biden’s lax regulations.

As the final week before Election Day approaches, Biden’s efforts to stay in the limelight have been thwarted by his own divisive speech. Instead of celebrating his administration’s achievements, the president spent his time engaging in an immature war of words.

Harris and her colleagues have been busy trying to appeal to conservative crossover voters. Working alongside former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and other previous GOP officials, they were determined to defy party boundaries—a hopeful initiative, if not for Biden’s inflammatory remarks.

Biden continued to attack Trump during his call, stating that the former president has no concern for the Latino community. He insisted on rejecting Trump, even as Trump’s support in said community, especially amongst males, appeared to be on the rise.

Biden ended his call with a desperate request, ‘Vote to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.’ His plea, rather than proving his dedication to safeguard the nation, only reinforced the image of a leader more focused on his personal political war than the welfare of his nation and its citizens.