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Biden’s Disastrous Handling of the Israel-Lebanon Conflict

Joe Biden’s foreign policy blunders came to the forefront once again when he failed to take definite action against Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. The discomfort was evident in his hapless plea for peace as Israel dismissed his weak calls for a ceasefire. Not only did Biden demonstrate his inability to take a stand, but also showed the world how he continues to be taken for a ride by Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden’s aspiration of establishing peace in the volatile Middle East seems nothing more than a deluded dream as he let Israel turn Gaza into a warzone. Innocent lives were lost, and the region suffered severely, all while Biden played the role of an armorer for Israel. Despite repeated pleas for restraint spanning over a year, Biden indirectly fueled this tragic war by his indecisive stands and lack of serious restrictions on the use of arms.

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Biden’s misguided faith in Netanyahu is another testament to his disastrous handling of the situation. Despite sufficient evidence suggesting a different story, Biden appealed to the humanity of Netanyahu, ignoring the obvious risk his policies were fueling. The result? A misguided belief that was quickly exploited by Israel, with Biden’s ineffective policies seen as nothing more than complacency.

Fearing a potential Hezbollah attack on Israel, Biden kept supplying arms to Israel, barring one incident involving a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs. Without imposing any significant restrictions on their use, these weapons continued to flow freely, fueling the conflict even more. The lack of repercussions only empowered Netanyahu to dismiss Biden’s pleas, leading us to the brink of a regional war that threatens American interests.

Biden’s failed policies in the Middle East are the focus of increasing criticism. Senator Chris Van Hollen, who respects Biden’s global strategies otherwise, expressed concern over this repeated pattern of failure. The United States ends up being disregarded continuously and further rewarding Israel’s insolence under Biden’s administration.

How could a leader claiming to be a peacekeeper end up presiding over an escalating war? Biden’s grand plan for a multilateral agreement, envisioning an end to the Gaza conflict, the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations, and a road to Palestinian statehood, among others, crumbled before it even started. His reluctance to use his leverage with the necessary firmness gave Netanyahu the upper hand.

Biden’s fumbled attempts at diplomacy reportedly led to a brutally damaging human toll. A report by children’s charity, Theirworld, states over 10,000 children lost their lives and countless others irreparably harmed. Additionally, 40% of the families now look after a child not their own due to the war, and 85% of children face severe starvation, living an entire day without food.

The harsh reality of living in the war-ravaged Gaza, as Dr. Sam Attar, an American physician volunteering in the region, states, is just another everyday struggle. The constant quest for essentials such as food, clean water, and medication in a land surrounded by death, muck, and debris paints the tragic picture or Biden’s failed Middle East policy.

In the midst of all these, Mohammed Alshannat, an admirer of democracies, vowed to keep his family alive despite living in extremely challenging conditions. His pain-filled descriptions of his struggle encapsulates the horrific reality of life in the region under Biden’s administration. His words like ‘sheep in a slaughterhouse’ highlight just how dire the situation is.

The million-dollar question then arises, what did all of this achieve? Tactical victories for Israel could not translate into tangible benefits for its citizens or provide enhanced security. On the other hand, the citizens of Lebanon and Palestine are in a far worse situation than they were a year ago.

Negligent policies of Biden’s administration have left American troops vulnerable on Middle East bases, and shipping is at risk off Yemen. Instead of moving towards peace, we are inching closer to unpredictable conflict in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon, and the West Bank. The security of countless lives hangs in the balance, while a clear escape or solution seems far-off.

Netanyahu’s political victories seem to be the only apparent fruit of this conflict, as Biden faltered at every step. His misplaced reliance on Netanyahu, refusal to set boundaries with Israel, and lack of diplomatic fortitude paint a worrisome picture of his leadership during this ongoing crisis.

Unquestionably, Biden’s Middle East policy, so far, has been marked by a lack of assertiveness and decisive action. If his intention was to establish peace in the troubled region, his actions—or rather lack thereof—tell a different, more troubling story. His foreign policy blunders have resulted in the escalation of a conflict that has profoundly damaged countless lives and jeopardized the security of both regional and international actors.

Under the Biden administration, the American foreign policy seems to be taking a backseat, allowing Israel to run rampant, disregarding pleas for peace, further escalating the violence. Instead of advancing towards resolution, the conflict is left to simmer unchecked, raising eyebrows for Biden’s lack of strong, definitive action.

This misstep in foreign policy isn’t just about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. It’s reflective of a broader issue with Biden’s leadership and his administration’s approach to global issues. A leader at the helm of such a powerful nation should have far greater influence to exercise, given the stakes at hand. Biden seems to be missing these opportunities repeatedly, which is both disappointing and concerning.