Biden’s Border Policy Fuels Public Health Crisis in NYC

Terrible news is reaching us as Biden’s disastrous border policy evolves into a broader threat to public health. NYC health officials have identified two cases of measles amongst residents in one of the city’s migrant shelters, highlighting a stark rise from last year, when only one case was confirmed overall.

As of the 12th of July, New York City is grappling with 11 reported cases of measles. The Hall Street migrant shelter, where the recent cases have been identified, has unfortunately already been a battlefield for local Clinton Hill residents. A noticeable increase in trash, noise, and street homelessness as a result of the shelter’s presence under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway has been a significant concern.

The revelation of measles cases in this vicinity will undoubtedly escalate local residents’ worries given the highly contagious nature of this disease. This disturbing outbreak is synchronized with the ongoing struggle within the Biden administration to handle the rapid rise of illegal immigrants infiltrating the southern border.

The Biden administration, in an almost oblivious manner, has shown no struggle in supporting the influx of these migrants – many of whom are from third-world countries, unvaccinated and unvetted. Their arrival carries the potential menace of introducing contagious diseases within migrant shelters in so-called sanctuary cities.

Adding to the irony, while regular Americans are required to get Covid vaccines to merely go to work or dine at a restaurant, this growing number of migrants easily bypasses these health safety measures. It seems there’s a stark double standard when it comes to the Biden administration’s policies concerning public health and safety.

In the face of this ignorance, the CDC now has to scramble over to contain a measles outbreak in a migrant shelter in Chicago, a symbol of the administration’s inadequacy in prioritizing American citizens. Our public health system should not have to be stretched thin due to the administration’s dismissive border policies.

This regrettable negligence by the Biden administration to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws has brought about a widespread public health crisis. The current measles outbreak is just another distressing example of the threats presented by the administration’s porous border policies.

Long have Conservatives voiced their concerns about the dangers associated with unregulated illegal immigration, but the pleas have fallen on deaf ears. The newest outbreak reiterates the urgent need for firm border control and rigorous immigration enforcement – two aspects massively overlooked by the Biden administration.

The onus now lies with the Biden administration to take swift action, but the track record leaves much to be desired. The administration’s failure to protect American citizens is glaringly obvious, leaving us to wonder when the appropriate steps will be taken.

The safety and well-being of the American populace should come first. This public health crisis reflects poorly on the Biden administration and their mismanaged border policies. It’s high time they reassess their strategy and implement immediate, necessary actions for the sake of national safety.

Sadly, many individuals were led to believe Biden and his administration would be different. Yet, each passing day under his lax border policies has further exposed the administration’s unpreparedness and negligence. The longer this policy continues, the more American citizens are put at risk.

It’s an alarming situation when American citizens are held to higher health standards than those infiltrating the country illegally. It’s simply unacceptable that while Americans live under strict health guidelines, the Biden administration appears to give free passes to illegal migrants that threaten public health.

On top of it all, it’s not just about the measles outbreak in NYC, it’s about all the potential health threats we’re facing due to the Biden administration’s inept border policies. If the administration continues down this path, the consequences could be more dire than we can imagine.