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Biden’s Boastful Hollow Promises Overshadow Domestic Crises

Joe Biden is set to meet the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, at the White House, where he is expected to receive a so-called ‘victory plan’. The obscure meeting also includes an encounter with Vice President Kamala Harris. It seems Biden is desperately trying to inject some positive attention onto his disastrous tenure by employing foreign interactions.

Biden, of course, couldn’t surprise us without promising more of taxpayers’ money overseas. On the table is nearly $8 billion in aid and a bunch of military weapons for Ukraine. This revelation was made as Zelensky arrived in Washington, ramping up his pleas for support in the battle against Russian invasion, now stretching into its third year.

Wanted or not, Biden also pledged glide bombs used by F-16 fighter jets, known as joint standoff weapons, including an extra Patriot battery and air defense missiles. Biden seems to forget that we have domestic issues needing immediate financial consideration.

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Over the past three years, the United States has stood by Ukraine in their struggle for freedom against Russian aggression. Biden claims it’s his administration’s top priority. But the truth is his actions are a mere drop in the ocean and a clear attempt to score points on the international stage.

Self-aggrandizing, Biden declared a surge in security assistance for Ukraine and additional actions to supposedly assist Ukraine ‘win this war’. Empty words seem to have become a staple of the Biden administration.

Capitalizing on his Washington visit, Zelensky has been on a campaign requesting his military be equipped with additional arms and authorized to strike Russia deeper. Irony is, Biden has been slow to respond, further eroding confidence in his leadership.

Zelensky is reportedly presenting Biden with an undisclosed ‘victory plan’, primarily hoping for an expanded presence of Western security in Ukraine, increased military aid and more financial support. It proves just how little effort Biden has put into understanding the conflict before Zelensky had to step in.

In addition to Biden, Zelensky is also meeting Kamala Harris independently. It’s alarming that they entrust national security negotiations to Harris, whose history begs several questions about her competency and experience in such delicate matters.

In this ongoing engagement, Biden tries to convince Zelensky of his so-called ‘support’ in the forthcoming months despite a significant presidential election. Yet another classic case of Biden’s pandering to foreign powers while neglecting the home front.

Most of the expansive $5.5 billion in aid funding Biden professed isn’t new but will simply not expire at the end of the month, thanks to Congressional inaction to extend the Pentagon’s expense authority over the aid. This sums up Biden’s foreign policy well – recycling old moves and packaging them as breakthroughs.

Biden plans to extend this funding support for Kyiv, even expecting a political shift if former President Trump wins the presidential election in November. Again, Biden’s reckless throw of billions overseas doesn’t bode well for American taxpayers or our needs.

Additionally, Biden directed the Defense Department to issue $2.4 billion in aid through a separate program for munitions and drones. Furthermore, his direction to train over two dozen Ukrainian F-16 pilots and disrupt Russia’s cryptocurrency network signifies more thoughtless resource allocation.

While Biden grandstands about ‘raising the costs’ on Russia for its war in Ukraine, back home, we are stuck dealing with a crumbling economy and soaring prices. Biden’s priorities seem to be anything other than the well-being of the American people.

One must question Biden’s grand schemes of draining American resources to ‘deprive the Russian defense industrial base of resources’. This overly aggressive foreign policy representation seems more about scoring political points than serving American interests.

Ultimately, Biden’s firehose-style foreign aid distribution continues, disregarding the needs of the American people. While we deal with crises at home, Biden spends his time and our money dealing with problems abroad, while the nation suffers.

It is the clear truth: Biden and Harris seem more interested in creating an impression on the global stage while blatantly neglecting the very people they are supposed to represent. It’s a reflection of an administration that has gone out of touch with its people and responsibilities.