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Biden’s Administration Accused of Neglect and Obstruction in Criminal Investigations

An exhaustive 81-page document criticized the FBI and State Departments under previous administrations, labelling them guilty of repeatedly obstructing criminal and national security investigations, especially during the Iran Nuclear Deal talks. The report suggests that these departments essentially acted as the miscreants’ safeguard, persistently neglecting their duty to uphold national security at the expense of political maneuverings.

Distinguished Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley publicly aired the astonishing revelations from a recent report. This groundbreaking report suggests a baffling unwillingness by the State Department to apprehend suspected Iranian terrorists during the terms of former Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Echoing the allegations raised in the report, Grassley expressed deep concern over how previous administrations used State Departments to undermine criminal and national security investigations. Their slack approach, particularly during the critical period of the Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations, was nothing less than treacherous.

Representative Grassley expressed righteous indignation at these findings, stating that the report exposed how the past administrations, including Obama’s and Biden’s, effectively compromised U.S national security. He further berated their inaction, arguing it indirectly fostered a conducive atmosphere for the calamitous Oct. 7 attack on Israel in 2023.

Without mincing his words, Grassley slammed the Obama-Biden administration, asserting they had set national security on a precarious cliff edge, demoralizing hardworking FBI agents whose primary goal was to safeguard Americans. Urbane in his expression, Grassley lamented about the way the Democrats historically turned a blind eye towards Iran, allowing it to grow increasingly audacious.

Fueling this audacity was the Democrats’ unabashed reluctance to confront Iran, a stance that served to embolden its regime and propel Tehran to bankroll acts of global terrorism. An egregious example of this was the catastrophic event we experienced firsthand on Oct. 7, 2023.

Grassley’s vocal criticism didn’t come without a silver lining. He mentioned the collective sigh of relief forthcoming with President Trump’s return to the White House, a move expected to bring back American resilience on the world stage and hold Iran accountable for its heinous deeds.

But the report’s revelations didn’t stop there. It further illuminates the murky depths hiding within the Obama and Biden FBI, revealing a growing sense of frustration among agents and officials that stemmed from the administration’s inaction.

Internal email correspondences within the FBI during Obama and Biden’s time signaled frustration and discontent among agents. The reason? The State Department, under the stewardship of then-Secretary of State John Kerry, was continually obstructing their attempts to detain individuals implicated in Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

The abysmal stances were best depicted by an email from an FBI official. It conveyed the absolute dismay felt by the department concerning the State Department’s failure to prompt proactive action. The tone of the email, however, oozed a sense of resignation.

This detailed report hit the public eye following the Biden administration’s unsuccessful attempt to respond to Grassley’s initial findings from the previous year. The comprehensive, damning depth of the investigative report attests to what could be a catastrophic failure in the handling of key issues of national security.

It is a damning indictment of a pervasive culture of indifference, a culture that seems to have dominated the Obama-Biden watch. These actors, be they the Obama and Biden administrations or the State Department under John Kerry, seemed content to adopt an ostrich-like approach to serious threats.

Such abject neglect of duty calls for the most stringent actions and must not be swept under the rug via political maneuvering. It’s time to hold those responsible accountable as we, as a nation, strive to learn from the past, ensure future administrations correct the course and prioritize the safety and security of our citizens above all.