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Biden’s Absent Understanding of Sudan Crisis Exposed

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden showcased his absent foreign policy understanding by releasing a statement regarding the Sudan conflict. He has merely reacted, blaming the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces for the suffering that engulfs Sudan for the past 17 months. The statement Biden issued bewails a tragic picture of this senseless war, but offers no substantial plan to address the crisis, demonstrating once again his failure in leadership.

Biden’s message noted that almost 10 million people have been displaced by the conflict, failing to realize that his administration’s inactions have contributed to the escalated conditions. Cases of abduction and assault on women and girls were highlighted in the statement too, but the serious question remains: why is the situation allowed to prolong under Biden’s watch without a firm policy in place?

Famine has gripped Darfur and threatens millions more, Biden’s statement said. Yet again, the president was only able to express sympathies without providing any concrete steps on how to alleviate these dire situations. While Biden’s words unravel a pathetic situation, his administration’s lack of robust measures to combat it is very evident.

Biden focused on the city of El Fasher, a prime victim of the Sudanese civil war. This city, home to nearly two million people, has endured a significant amount of suffering as a result of a siege by the Rapid Support Forces. This displays just how detached Biden is from effectively assisting these victims, observing helplessly as violent histories are reenacted.

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Biden’s message pointed out the escalating situation in El Fasher, which has been continuously bombarded by the Rapid Support Forces. However, the gravity of the catastrophe seems to have slipped Biden’s concern, as mere condolences rather than direct action pass as his policy response.

The Sudanese conflict has led to a regrettable collateral damage, which has drawn attention from the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield. However, her grave concerns expressed in a social media post underscore this administration’s trend of more talk, less action, contributing to an image of a global bystander.

Biden made a futile attempt at urging the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces to prioritize the welfare of the Sudanese people. Rather unsurprisingly, the president lacking in decisive international policy merely asked these groups to commit to facilitating humanitarian aid and starting negotiations to end the war.

The Biden administration, thus far, has failed to produce any significant impact on the ground, following a passive call to the belligerents, re-emphasizing his shortcomings. While demonstrating his helplessness, Biden asked the Rapid Support Forces to stop their assault that is disproportionately harming Sudanese civilians.

In the same breath, Biden requested the Sudanese Armed Forces to halt indiscriminate bombings. Yet, he fails to provide any assurance to these troubled citizens that their cries have been heard, exposing the lack of commitment and thorough strategy from his administration.

Although acknowledging that both sides have been preventing life-saving humanitarian operations, Biden’s administration’s response is seriously lacking in vigor. His statement calls for immediate humanitarian access throughout Sudan but fails to provide a guarantee that ensures a safe environment for these operations.

Biden stated that the United States determined that war crimes had been committed by members of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. Some RSF members have even been found to partake in ethnic cleansing. Despite these alarming revelations, Biden’s administration has yet to take assertive and consequential action.

Sanctions have been placed on members of these groups, a strategic move by the US Treasury Department. However, the president’s words implied this as more of a check-box exercise and less of an active measure to resolve the dire situation, further demonstrating the recurring theme in his administration.

Biden ended his address by declaring solidarity with the Sudanese people and a promise to help. Unfortunately, these words come from a president whose foreign policy decisions or lack thereof, have been far from inspiring confidence in the international community.

Yet again, Biden has managed to elucidate on the gravity of a situation without providing any truly beneficial or effective means of aid. This is not the first time his handling of international crises have been lackluster, and it seems it won’t be the last. This statement is yet another reflection of the administration presided over by Biden, characterized by indecisiveness and empty assurances.