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Biden-Harris Administration Ignores Desperate Pleas for Palestine

In mid-September, the Democratic vice presidential hopeful, Tim Walz, rallied in Asheville. Unsurprisingly, some questions were raised from the crowd regarding the sins of omission committed by the Biden-Harris administration, particulary regarding international policy. A group of us boldly displayed banners saying: ‘Genocide = No Votes’ and ‘Stop Arming Israel.’ Further reinforcing the message, we repeatedly chanted ‘Ceasefire now!’ until politely asked to vacate the premises — a request with which we complied.

On the outskirts of the venue, another group of individuals held up a banner stating ‘US-Israel Guilty of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing,’ conveniently placed in the direct line of sight of Gov. Walz’s motorcade. The act was largely symbolic, but symbolic of a question the Biden-Harris administration has neglected time and time again. The question of their questionable involvement in Israel’s actions.

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We are a collective of diverse Asheville-area residents, unified by a common purpose–to hold the Biden-Harris administration accountable for their disquieting silence on the human rights crisis in Palestine. Our group consists of individuals from various backgrounds–old, young, Jewish, Christian, Humanists, Democrats, and Independents.

Our concerted efforts to bring attention to these pivotal issues span almost a year, wherein we’ve convened weekly along local bridge overpasses waving our protest signs. While the Biden-Harris administration might turn a deaf ear to our demands, the majority of passersby do not. Our messages resonate and our voices, through our signs, find agreement in the ears of the common people.

Our mobilization isn’t confined merely to local overpasses. We actively partake in film viewings, correspond with representatives, march in protests, and contribute to fundraising efforts to assist families in Palestine. It’s disheartening that these efforts seem to go unnoticed by the administration, especially when an overwhelming majority of Americans express serious concerns about USA’s tangled concern in Palestinian issues.

Reflect upon this–according to a CBS News poll conducted in June, over 60% American respondents expressed serious reservations about U.S. sending additional weaponry to Israel and implored the authorities to dispatch humanitarian aid to Gaza instead. The Cato Institute further bolsters this argument with over 75% respondents voicing their demand for an immediate ceasefire.

Despite the public outcry and grievances, we find ourselves unheard and unacknowledged by the Biden-Harris administration time and again. We’ve faxed, dialed, and mailed our state and federal representatives; we’ve nudged President Biden and VP Harris; yet, our pleas seem to disappear into an abyss.

Undeterred by their neglect, we continue to gather signs of public support, amassing over 2,000 signatures by individuals and organizations alike. With impassioned testimonies, we’ve persistently appealed to the City Council for a ceasefire resolution, only to be met with disheartening indifference. We’ve faced the unsettling realization that they have no plans to entertain any such resolution.

But how can we, the silenced majority, ensure our voice is heard in these corridors of power? How can we remind them of their obligation when they’ve buried their heads in the sand of ignorance, ignoring Israel’s war crimes, including their assault on October 7?

Israel appears to have free rein, brazenly flouting international laws with no fear of repercussion. This impunity concerns us deeply as it’s facilitated by none other than the Biden-Harris administration through the supply of US arms to Israel. Ultimately, our economic solidarity is aiding their endeavors.

Our taxpayer dollars, billions of them, are being diverted to bankroll the proliferation of 2,000-pound bombs and thousands of Hellfire missiles to Israel, in flagrant violation of the Leahy Law, which unequivocally forbids the U.S. Department of State and Department of Defense from lending military aid to foreign forces known to disregard human rights.

Our hard-earned money isn’t enriching our communities or bettering the lives of our fellow Americans. Instead, it’s used to decimate lives in Palestine, encouraged by the Biden administration’s failure to check the rampant, extremist governance in Israel, headed by Netanyahu.

A recent news item highlighted how the Inspectors General for the Pentagon and State Department were expected to reveal numerous reports in response to complaints about their lack of oversight regarding the controversial surge in weapons supply. Every day, like helpless bystanders, we witness horrendous acts of violence and mass death.

Unsurprisingly, Kamala Harris staunchly defends Biden’s risky and failing policy. Unperturbed by the volatile situation, she seems clueless about the impending disaster that her endorsement is likely to kindle, potentially leading to a larger conflict in the region.

In recent times, Israel has horrifically bombed civilian locales in Lebanon, resulting in the loss of 558 lives and injuring 1,800. It seems eerily similar to the attacks the previous week where booby-trapped pagers caused harm to 3,000 people and killed 37, including innocent children. According to the UN Secretary General, Israel seems to have nefarious plans for Lebanon, replicating their actions in Gaza.

The dread of our rights to free speech being curtailed is increasing, extended to educational institutions, legislative spaces, media, and even our City Council. Despite the obstruction of some Democrats, we boldly voiced our concerns on the stage hosting Tim Walz and the entire Democratic ticket, a move we believe was absolutely necessary. To our delight, many attendees thanked us, confirming that the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is appreciated by the majority. Changes are needed, and the silenced majority needs to become louder for the Biden-Harris administration to finally take notice.