
Biden Uses Instruction Sheet To Navigate Press Event ‘YOU Take YOUR Seat’

 Thursday images of an alleged Biden note card began surfacing on social media. The nite card gave the President step-by-step instructions on how to navigate a press event. 

The first bullet read “YOU enter the Roosevelt room and say hello to participants” many found it odd that the card addressed Biden as “YOU” in all capitals as if he has previously become confused by the cards. 

The next to bullets said “YOU take YOUR seat” and “Press enters”. Why is there so much emphasis on “YOU” and “YOUR” again? Does the administration fear that their leader might take the wrong seat or become confused and remain standing? 

Following the press entrance, the directions read “YOU give brief comments (2 (-?) minutes). This certainly shows what a tight leash Biden is on, able to speak to the press for little more than a few minutes. 

On several occasions when talking to the press the President has noted that he isn’t supposed to be talking about a certain issue, or to the press at all past a certain time. 

Who is pulling the strings? Who tells the president how long he can speak to the press and what topics he’s allowed to talk about? Biden promised an administration of transparency, but so far it’s been shrouded in secrecy and deceit. 

The directions concluded with “YOU thank participants” and “YOU depart”. Who knows what might happen if the President didn’t have a cheat sheet letting him know when he should leave. Otherwise, he might be left aimlessly wandering the Roosevelt room forever.