
Biden Takes Credit For Ending Family Separation: He LIED

On Thursday, President Joe Biden held his first solo press conference.  He was barraged with questions, and slapped back with false information. 

Biden was asked if he felt that he rolled back Trump era immigration policy to quickly. He responded by saying “Rolling back the policies of separating children from their mothers? I make no apology for that.”

The only issue is that Biden did not, roll back family separation policy. Trump rolled the policy back via executive order, less than three months after it was put into place. 

Where does the confusion come from? Many American’s think of Trump’s ‘Zero Tolerance Policy’ and ‘Family Separation’ as synonymous. They are not. Trump ended family separation while maintaining ‘Zero Tolerance’, Biden, Then ended ‘Zero Tolerance’ when he took office. Biden however did not end family separation. The credit for termination of the short lived policy goes to Trump.

Biden, took credit for something that he did not do, while deflecting the question that he was asked by a White House journalist. 

Democrats call for migrant children to be held in DHHS shelters. This is exactly what Trump’s so-called ‘family separation policy’ did. It left guardians on stand by for prosecution while holding children in shelters equipped to meet the needs of children. This was not good enough. Democrats were not happy.

They made this situation look as horrendous as they possibly could. “Family Separation”. If a single Father, who is an American citizen commits a crime, perhaps grand larceny, with the hopes of bettering the quality of life for his children he will be taken away from his children and prosecuted.

This is a universal truth for virtually all crimes and is almost unanimously accepted by all people on both sides of the political spectrum. Democrats however, special plead when it comes to illegal immigrants. The guardians have committed a crime and willfully endangered the life of their child.

Despite this fact the American people are being forced to accept a reality where aliens are held to a higher standard than they are.