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Biden Skipped Superbowl Interview Because White House Fears He Will Say Something Stupid 

Biden’s Cognitive Abilities Cast Doubt on Second Term Prospects


A prominent political commentator and writer for a national news outlet recently probed into why the country’s highest office avoided granting President Joe Biden an opportunity to engage in a pre-Super Bowl interview for two consecutive years.

One potential explanation suggested is the concern that he could utter something misplaced. Discussing the matter with NPR, New York Times essayist David Brooks, accompanied by the Washington Post’s affiliate editor Jonathan Capehart, revealed that a report by special prosecutor Robert Hur, which alludes to Biden’s faltering memory and cognitive capabilities, might be the driving factor behind the decision.

Brooks initiated the discussion by referring to the special prosecutor’s approach of considering the subject from a hypothetical jury’s perspective, hence the emphasis on Biden’s age in his report. Brooks states: ‘The argument was a jury wouldn’t convict the person because they’d believe he was well-meaning but suffered from memory issues.’ This, coming after a recording of Biden rebuking Hur for insinuating in his report he could not recollect the date of his son Beau’s terminal brain cancer diagnosis.

Brooks further clarified the role of a prosecutor, mentioning that they are prohibited from belittling those they don’t formally accuse, giving the accused no platform to defend themselves – part of the prosecutorial standards. Brooks is of the opinion that Hur has surpassed these boundaries, stirring up contentious issues. On the subject of age, he expressed his belief that it is indeed a valid point to take into consideration.

Reflecting on his experience interviewing Biden over the past three decades, Brooks has admitted that the president has lost some of his initial quick-wittedness. Drawing a parallel to baseball, he compares Biden to a pitcher who once threw high-speed pitches but has now dropped a few miles per hour from his fastball. Brooks hints at the impact of age on Biden’s performance, raising questions about his ability to lead, particularly if he secures a second term.

Brooks presented another interesting observation, stating that even Biden’s staff perceives his age as a hurdle. The fact that the president declined the Super Bowl interview not once, but twice in successive years, raised eyebrows. In Brooks’ perception, rejecting an opportunity for a relaxed interview with the potential to reach countless viewers was a cautious move from Biden’s team. Their apparent concern? That the president may misspeak during the interview.

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Brooks then provides his own personal impression, which is based on his direct interactions and investigations. Despite the occasional memory blunder, he applauds Biden’s judgment. According to Brooks, the president undoubtedly serves as the prime decision-maker at the White House, fully equipped for the role, contradicting any narratives suggesting otherwise.

Yet, as Brooks points out, the central question is how long Biden can maintain this level of performance. With the possibility of Biden still being in the role in five years’ time, it’s a consideration voters might want to explore. Disagreement from certain quarters on Brooks’ evaluation of Biden’s capability is palpable.

Before the release of Hur’s report, which highlights Biden’s weakened cognitive function and forgetfulness, a person who had recent face-to-face interaction with the president described his condition as astonishingly poor. This underscores the unfolding conversation around the president’s state.

This growing concern within the public sphere was discussed by Fox News host Laura Ingraham during a segment with contributor and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. The pair examined Hur’s report, noting that some Democrats had disputed Hur’s characterization of Biden’s mental condition, asserting that they had not noticed any signs of cognitive decline in their interactions with Biden.

In this context, Ingraham mentioned Senator Mark Kelly’s (D-Ariz.) statement to CNN, asserting that he had not observed any memory deficiencies in Biden. Additionally, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) highlighted his hours-long engagements with Biden, stating the president to be ‘as sharp as ever’. Ingraham responded to these comments with an incredulous tone, implying skepticism

Ingraham went on to report that she had been informed by a friend, who visited the White House recently, about her shocking experience with the president’s condition. Her friend, who wasn’t a particularly staunch supporter of former President Trump, expressed her surprise at the president’s state during her face-to-face interaction.

So, within this swirl of viewpoints and debates, it is clear that the discussion around President Biden’s mental capacity and the impact that it may have on his abilities to lead remain pertinent topics. The decision to turn down the Super Bowl interview, seen by some as a missed opportunity for the president to showcase his acumen, continues to fuel this discourse.

As the presidency continues, the ongoing observation of Biden’s status will undoubtedly remain a point of discussion. The evidence and opinions from various sources present a multifaceted view of the situation, reflecting the intricacies of leadership and the importance of maintaining a robust mental constitution for the task at hand.

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