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Biden Reveals New Election Strategy Which Actually Benefits Trump


Suggestions have been raised that incumbent President could return to a formerly used campaign approach, similar to that exercised during the 2020 elections, as cited by a recent report. Axios detailed that an extraordinary sum of over $50 million has been disbursed towards television and digital advertisements in strategic states throughout the current year.

A comparative lack of financial commitment towards local organizers for voter outreach in person was also duly noted. This represents a distinct turnabout from traditional campaign methodologies.

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This emphasis on advertisement at the expense of ground-level personnel is a marked deviation from President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election approach. Obama’s campaign was characterized by major investments amounting to millions, geared towards amassing a battalion of coordinators in key states for up to one and a half years preceding the polls.

According to the report, Biden’s team purports that this strategy shift is predicated upon the evolving realities of digital presence amongst the American populace, stating that an increasing number of citizens are now readily accessible online via mobile devices and computers. This accessibility purportedly rivals the effectiveness of traditional in-person voter interaction methods.

Rising concerns around President Biden’s mental acuity from voters are increasingly pertinent. Dr. Carole Lieberman, a well-known psychologist who has appeared on popular media platforms including programs hosted by Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, and news shows on Fox and CNN, addressed such concerns during a recent conversation.

Dr. Lieberman, speaking on the Real America’s Voice streaming network, cautioned against the public narrative centred around Biden’s age, as he will be in his 82nd year should he win the next election. She concluded that it’s not simply about age per se, pointing out repeatedly that there are many older individuals with remarkable intellectual abilities who could effectively steer the nation’s course.

She strongly disputed the assertion that President Biden’s viability for the office was merely a matter of his age. The concerns being raised were instead related to mental competency, as per Dr. Lieberman. She suggested the application of a mini-mental status test or a similar competency test, expressing doubts regarding Biden’s ability to pass such an examination.

Dr. Lieberman’s recommendation centred on the administration of a particular evaluative tool known as a mini-mental status test. The Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing describes this as an eleven-question measure designed to assess five cognitive areas – orientation, registration, attention and calculation, recall, and language.

This unofficial prognosis by Dr. Lieberman of the President’s mental state arrives at a time when an increasing number of Americans have expressed growing apprehension regarding his cognitive abilities and overall mental health.

Public sentiment captured in a series of surveys over the past year strongly suggests that faith in Biden’s mental capacity to serve a second term is waning. A predominant majority of those polled have expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to handle the demanding role of the presidency due to perceived mental fitness challenges.

A Harvard Harris Poll conducted in late July echoed these sentiments. Despite the commanding presence of Trump in the Republican candidate landscape, Biden’s public perception continues to suffer, with growing doubts on his suitability to continue in the role of Commander-in-Chief due to perceived mental fitness challenges.

The poll results paint an alarming picture of slump in faith, with only a third of the respondents – 32 percent to be exact – conceding that Biden is in the right mental state to continue to hold the office of the President. A considerable 68 percent of those polled expressed tailored concerns about his mental sharpness.

In the face of these challenges, it seems the current administration may need to adopt a more strategic approach to win over the electorate. With Biden’s apparent shift in campaign strategy, it appears the focus is on reaching voters in the spaces they occupy most – the digital sphere.

One must consider the evolving media environment, which is becoming increasingly centered on online platforms, as a pivotal factor contributing to strategic adjustments in the president’s re-election campaign. In an era where online communication is at the forefront, harnessing its power to engage potential voters may prove to be an astute move.

However, it still remains to be seen how effective this digitally-focused approach will be in engaging the electorate and combating doubts about President Biden’s mental capability to lead. It’s an unprecedented time for political campaigns, and the methods that were effective in the past may need to be revised.

As President Biden’s re-election campaign evolves, so will public scrutiny around his mental acuity and the adaptations his team makes to navigate the digital landscape. Amidst all of this, the call for leadership that is both intellectually formidable and mentally robust cannot be overlooked.