
Biden Refuses To Take Questions From Fox At Presser

In Biden’s first press conference, he read the names of reporters from his notes rather than picking them from the group. 

The natural reaction to witnessing this is: does Biden know who will go easy on him? Is he purposely excluding some reporters? Does he know the questions of the reporters he is calling on? 

Biden has been struggling with transparency since day one. In this press conference he discretely doubled down on a lack of transparency at several points. 

Fox Whitehorse correspondent Peter Doocy was armed with a lethal binder of hard to answer questions, waiting to be called on. The only issue is, that Doocy was never called on. 

Among his questions, were inquiries about Biden’s plan to transform the economy and make it all green. He planned to ask about COVID, and it’s origins, and more. 

Doocy pointed out that Biden’s economic plan was not even mentioned, and COVID 19 wasn’t touched on. 

“I’m not sure if that was the end of the list. If we were on it, he did not make it down that far,” Doocy said

Jen Psaki, was confronted about Biden’s refusal to take questions from Fox. After being asked, she danced around the question and claimed she had to move on.

This is a bleak contrast from the Trump Administration. Donald Trump frequently clashed with hard opposition. Often taking questions from CNN reporters who were out to get him. He did not fear journalists. Biden does.

on the topic of transparency, Biden was asked if journalists would be allowed at migrant facilities housing children. Biden claimed that he would not allow journalists at facilities until he had cleaned them up.

The Biden Administration is quite possibly the least transparent administration we have seen in the last several decades.