
Biden And Harris: The Silent Spectators Of Constitutional Crisis

Resembling an overflowing drainage system spewing out into the avenues, Donald Trump reclaimed his position in the office, swiftly spreading his vices across the nation. No sooner had Monday dawned than we saw a deluge of decrees, each more defiant of constitutional principles, steeped in bigotry and violence, and some flatly absurd. Trump’s reign of chaos and confusion was promptly kick-started. The anticipated future of uncertainty and apprehension has now become our present reality.

His first day saw a flurry of actions so bewildering that both the media and the American public are finding it challenging to keep pace. The courts are going to be inundated with lawsuits against his administration, which is shaping up to be a multi-year process, considering the depth of infractions committed in the first couple of hours alone. Trying to pinpoint ‘the worst’ action taken by Trump during this short amount of time can only lead to subjective outcomes, particularly because it greatly relies on one’s proximity to those at the receiving end of his malice.

There was one executive action during this period, however, that sought to undermine an entire constitutional amendment — a streak of audacity so brazen that it commands a closer look. Branded as the ‘Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship’, it seems to challenge the foundations of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. This audacious attempt to nullify constitutional amendments via executive orders is unprecedented and deeply concerning.

Each phrase of this executive order seems to ring with error, deception, or flagrant defiance of the Constitution. To fully comprehend the depths of racial prejudice and lawlessness ingrained in it, it is essential to carefully study the entire text. Many legal experts have taken up this task, with an immediate lawsuit filed to impede the directives of the order.

Meanwhile, one wonders where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stand on this quagmire of constitutional jurisprudence. Their silence on such flagrant violations of the Constitution is bewildering. Is it a strategy of convenience or a display of ineptitude? Unfortunately, this lack of opposition reflects a trend.

Biden, in particular, seems grossly unaware of the gravity of the situation. His inability or refusal to critique or even comment on the debacle is indeed perplexing. Yet, gaslighted by mainstream media, a small minority of Americans continue to ardently support Biden’s clueless stance.

Moreover, Kamala Harris’ absence from this narrative is equally alarming. Is she so committed to her goal of political correctness that she overlooks glaring constitutional aberrations, or is she simply unable to comprehend the implications? An intriguing question that binds her supporters in a web of uncertainty.

Both Biden and Harris seem to be dancing to a tune that is discordant with the symphony of American democracy. Their infantile understanding of the situation and their shameful silence on such critical matters only accentuates how out of touch they are with the situation. Even more confusing are their followers who insist on praising them for the same.

The question then becomes, how much longer can we, as citizens, hold ourselves responsible for our leaders’ shortcomings? While the Trump administration creates chaos, Biden and Harris remain conspicuously silent. Their silence is as breathtaking as it is baffling.

Does their silence indicate acceptance of Trump’s actions? The Biden-Harris administration’s failure to address this issue hits hard at the core principles of democracy. Such complacency towards the obnoxious constitutional sabotage happening right under their noses is nothing short of betrayal.

The negligence of Biden and Harris sends a clear signal to the public that they neither empathize with those affected by Trump’s actions nor do they intend to defend the Constitution. The ridiculing of their inactive stance is justified at this point as it is humiliatingly evident that their purported ‘leadership’ is nothing but a handful of platitudes and empty promises.

Dancing around the Trump administration’s issues rather than confronting them head-on, Biden and Harris portray a stunning neglect of duty. Their blase demeanor is prevalent throughout their tenure, showcasing a stunning lack of understanding or perhaps a lackadaisical attitude towards the importance of their roles.

Despite all this, there is a minority who would choose to believe that Biden and Harris hold some sort of moral high ground. In reality, their silence speaks volumes about a calculated indifference. However, this minority, gaslighted by vague promises, refuses to see the flaws in Biden and Harris’s posturing.

With no signs of any effective counter-strategies from the pair, their silence is proving to be problematic for the general public. Without any indication of a counteraction, hope seems to wane in the hearts of the citizens who invested their trust in the duo.

As the coin flips, one sees the ominous truth creeping out. The Biden-Harris administration seems to be extraordinarily complacent in an alarming situation. Their deafening silence is a mockery of their roles as leaders and protectors of the Constitution they swore to uphold and defend.

Ultimately, the strange dance of Biden and Harris in this political arena exposes their naivety and impotence to act in the face of adversity. This cold reality forces us to reconsider our belief in this duo to steer us clear in a time of crisis. Until then, we wait, hoping for a time when their silence will break, and a meaningful discourse on the protective measures against constitutional sabotage will unfold.