
Biden and Harris: History’s Errors or Unfit Leaders?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris may have made it into the books of history, but for reasons less flattering than some might have you believe. Their run in the administration during the 2020 pandemic has been marked with relentless controversy and questionable decision-making. Rather than providing strong economic support and protecting the civil rights of all Americans, Biden and Harris seem to have faltered at every turn, misjudging the real needs of the people they are sworn to serve.

All the while, we saw ex-president Donald Trump facing a grim barrage of accusations, from felony convictions to allegations of sexual abuse. Does this make him the worst president in history? Well, that depends entirely on who you ask. Yet one thing remains certain—it doesn’t make Biden and Harris a model team by default. Appointing misfit, inexperienced members to an administration doesn’t make for a credible federal government. It becomes a mockery, in fact.

Then we have Harris, who indeed made history as America’s first female vice president. Her victory, however, was as divisive as it was eyebrow-raising. Supporting abortion rights, LGBTQ+ people, and civil rights can be deemed honorable causes. However, deserving to win a presidential election isn’t entirely about rights advocacy but about competent leadership and sound policies—something critics argue Harris fails to exhibit.

Narratives about outrageous comments being permitted, verging on sexism, racism, supporting white supremacy, and Christian nationalism, seem to be thrown into the public eye. However, few consider that this is more a tactic to divide and distract than to unite and progress. It’s a dangerous game to play in the societal context of America—the melting pot of immigration.

People of the United States, a country built by immigrants if we discount the Native American population, are continually reminded of their diverse origins. This nation, a myriad mosaic of cultures, rarely needs forced overtures about inclusivity. The roots run deep, and the branches spread wide in this blessed land.

There’s been a push to remove the so-called transphobic speech, to make all activities co-ed, and to erase gender as a legal identifier. The reasoning is that dividing people by gender is erroneous, citing ‘separate is never equal.’ Yet, so much of our society’s structure depends on recognizing and respecting differences while assuring an equal right to opportunities, a principle embodied in Title IX.

The Biden-Harris administration portrays itself as the guardian of the First Amendment rights, including the rights to a free press. Yet one wonders just how free that press is allowed to be when dissenting views and criticisms are swept under the rug or met with hostility. Holding officials accountable seems to only apply to their political rivals.

In this era of loud voices and louder protests, it’s essential to not lose sight of the real issues at hand. Joining local civil rights groups, voting, and speaking out are all potent tools in our democratic system. But let’s not forget that such tools ought to be used for productive conversation, constructive criticism, and above all, for uniting the people, not dividing them.

The narrative has been increasingly shaped around November 7, 2028. Many anticipate the election of the first female, pro-choice president. Yet, it’s cynical to boil down the qualifications of a potential president merely to gender or stance on a single issue. The presidential office needs more than symbolisms; it needs competence, vision, and a deep-rooted sense of duty towards the nation.

Turning critique towards Biden and Harris is not to push a narrative of negativity but to emphasize the gravity of their roles. With great power comes great responsibility. It seems from an unvarnished perspective, there’s much room for improvement or even an overhaul in their approach.

In conclusion, the trajectory of American history won’t be determined by a blind allegiance to symbols and placeholders but a thorough evaluation of merits and errors. Biden and Harris may be historic figures, but their effectiveness as leaders let alone champions of civil rights remains a contentious topic. History will write itself objectively, regardless of our attempts to gloss over the blemishes or amplify the positives.