
Ben & Jerry FREEZE As HBO Reporter Grills Them About Selling Product In Texas

Large corporations love to virtue signal in order to gain support from the public during times of political polarization. Ben & Jerry’s has used this tactic numerous times. 

A recent interview seems to reveal that those who remain the face of of the company don’t actually care much for getting involved, aside from hollow remarks. 

The New York Post reported, Ben & Jerry’s woke co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield are taking heat for freezing when asked why the ice cream company they founded stopped selling its products in parts of Israel over political issues, yet continues to do business in US states where they disagree with laws (Texas).

Ben & Jerry’s and HBO seem to have each-other in a virtue signalling stand off. Ben and Jerry seemed to entertained the idea of  not selling in Texas, despite the people of Texas having not written or signed the laws. 

HBO created a false dichotomy, that implies not selling product to Texans would achieve any type of political change, or induce any pressure on the Governor 

“You guys are big proponents of voting rights. Why do you still sell ice cream in Georgia? Texas — abortion bans. Why are you still selling there?” The HBO interviewer asked the elderly men, creating another false dichotomy. 

The reporter implies that Georgia restricts voting rights, which they do not. They simply create laws that secure elections as nearly every other democratic nation does. 

Back in July, Ben & Jerry’s announced that it would no longer sell its ice cream in “occupied Palestine territory’s,” despite no such thing existing. 

Israel does not “occupy” Palestine in the West Bank. Israel owns the West Bank. Israel obtained the land after a war was instigated by various Arab Nations in 1967. 

Palestine never owned the West Bank and has never actually existed as a sovereign nation. Prior to the 7 day war of 67’, the West Bank was controlled by Jordan. 

Various negotiable attempts have been tried as Israel offered the West Bank to “Palestinian” diplomats, but failed after those on the Palestinian side demanded they be given all of Israel and nothing less.