
Atlanta anti-police councilman is victim of car theft

In a time where nearly every story that drips through our feeds feels apocalyptic – from international tensions to crypto prices falling – it’s important to enjoy and appreciate all of the funnier things in life.

Antonio Brown, an Atlanta city councilman with mayoral aspirations, found himself on the receiving end of his black-power, anti-law rhetoric. Not moments after exiting his very expensive Mercedes (paid for by the Atlanta taxpayer) to speak with fellow city leader-in-name Ben Norman, a group of grade-school-aged children – the youngest, reportedly, 6 or 7 years of age – had made themselves comfortable in his car. This confrontation leads to a brief, fruitless scuffle; as not one, but both grown men were apparently, unable to remove the child in the driver’s seat.

Brown described the epic battle:

Ben attempted to open the door to get him out of the car. He fought with Ben. I then engaged and tried to get him out of the car. The three other kids were trying to figure out how to get in the car or stay out of the car. He started to hit on the gas. Ben let go.”

I gets better.

As he started to speed up, and I knew that if I had not let go, I knew I probably could have killed myself because he was going so fast, I would have started to tumble,” he added. “And I would have hurt him.”

Best not blame the perps, right Tony?

The Atlanta PD – the members of which Antonio Brown had run on ensuring had insufficient funding – later located the abandoned vehicle. No arrests were reported. Brown is not seeking charges.

This hilarious incident comes as nearly all major US cities are experiencing significant spikes in crime per capita. Atlanta is no exception: Having seen a 36% increase in auto-theft alone since this time last year. That data, of course, not reflective of all cases that go unreported.

So Atlanta residence must now consider – this man is clearly a core component to the hike in crime that is making the city and others like it inhospitable parodies, be he also loses fights with kids that take his car and leave him battered on the pavement. He seeks no accountability to the guilty party, and takes no responsibility for having facilitated the crime with this policies. Is this what passes for leadership material in Atlanta?