
AOC Says $15 Minimum Wage Opposers Should Be FIRED

Independent Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth McDonough has sparked rage in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar as she rejected President Biden’s $1.9 trillion relief package that included an increase in Federal minimum wage.

Fox News Claimed the following: 

“MacDonough, a nonpartisan Senate official, determined that Biden’s plan to increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour was out of order under special budget reconciliation rules Democrats enacted to speed passage of the bill. Ocasio-Cortez and Omar, both members of the progressive Squad, both indicated consideration should be given to removing her from her post over the decision.”

This is always the conclusion AOC jumps to. If someone opposes her, they should either resign or be removed from office. 

Whether it’s Ted Cruz, or Elizabeth McDonough, anyone who dares disagree with her is unfit for office by her decree. 

 “I think the parliamentarian was wrong on this call, and I – when you hear the arguments put forth by not just Bernie Sander’s team, but overall, you know, I think this was, I think this was a really wrong decision, even just on its merits,” AOC claimed. 

Ocasio-Cortez claimed that “all options should be left on the table” when asked if the parliamentarian should be fired. 

Removal from political positions, and impeachment are now a tool of political party wielded by the Democratic Party. This casts a bleak shadow over the fate of America.