
Amy Klobuchar Calls For More Tech Censorship

This week, Jen Psaki admitted that the federal government instructs social media companies what content to censor. Biden’s Surgeon General called for more censorship and now another member of the federal government is doing the same. 

The Daily Caller reported, Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar said Sunday that social media platforms should take more responsibility for posts that could potentially spread misinformation about COVID vaccines.

Klobuchar joined “State of the Union” host Dana Bash to talk about President Joe Biden’s plan to work with social media platforms to flag misinformation, and she argued that platforms like Facebook should be held liable for allowing misinformation to spread.

“Social media has greatly contributed to this misinformation. There’s no doubt,” the Senator said. 

The federal government punishing social media companies for allowing free speech will undoubtedly cause more censorship. 

This is also a blatant violation of the first amendment. Members of the federal government are pressuring, coercing, and instructing these tech Goliath’s to censor ideas. 

Klobuchar concluded that if companies like Facebook do not do a better job at censoring what she seems to be misinformation in the future, then they should be punished using anti trust laws. 

The issue with “misinformation” is that nobody knows for sure what is actually “misinformation”. Facebook for months censored posts relating to the lab leak theory. This theory is now a legitimate, nationally recognized possibility.