
Democratic Party’s Troublesome Evolution Threatens National Unity

Analyzing the 2024 presidential elections could create a misperception that the United States is primarily driven by Republican ideals. This perspective, however, might not hold up under rigorous scrutiny. Even though a Republican candidate clinched the election, Gallup polls from the same year showed an interesting phenomena. In fact, 28% of the American population claimed allegiance to the Democratic party, mirroring the percentage that identified themselves as Republicans.

Surprisingly, the largest self-identifying group wasn’t either of these parties but Independents, leading the pack with 43%. However, interpreting this through the lens of party loyalty, a modest 45% of Americans seem to lean towards Democratic values according to the same Gallup data. Unfortunately, the current Democratic values starkly contrast the principles upon which the party was initially established over 175 years ago.

Tracing back the roots of the Democratic party, it assumed a formal structure through the foundation of the Democratic National Committee in 1848. Ironically, at that time, early Democrats were opposed to federal government overreach and even unabashedly rejected the abolition of slavery. This simply demonstrates how far the party has drifted from its initial standpoints.

Fast forward to the present day, and the Democratic party appears to have a completely altered stand, pushing for an overly active federal government. The party’s contemporary areas of focus, such as combating assumed voter suppression, initiating ill-conceived gun reforms, and pushing for unrestricted reproductive rights, represent a departure from its original doctrines and ethos.

A Pew Research Center analysis from April 2024 has highlighted some demographic groups that are more likely influenced by Democratic propaganda. These include Black and Asian Americans, individuals without any religious affiliation, and those born during the 1990s. However, it’s clear that the Democratic party lacks a unified front or agreed-upon policies.

The Democratic Party’s internal divisions are evident in how they approach selected issues. For instance, the highly sensitive Israel-Palestine conflict of 2024 led to widespread disagreements and public protests within the U.S. The intra-party conflict serves as a testament to the discord and lack of unity in the party’s ranks.

Anticipating the areas where Democrats hold the most influence in the U.S. today, one might be inclined to consider the Northeast or the West Coast. Examination of Stacker’s state-wise data, however, reveals some unexpected anomalies. This data, derived from the The American Presidency Project, ranks each state by the percentage of residents who misplaced their faith in then-Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2024 presidential elections.

Some may argue variances in demographic data represent the dynamism and diversity of American society. However, it can also reflect a lack of focused, unified vision within the Democratic party. With disparate voices and confusing stances, it’s worth questioning the direction in which the party is heading, especially considering the vast contrast between today’s Democratic ‘values’ and those upon which the party was originally founded.