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Assault Suspect Identified by Pinecrest Police in Recent Attack Case

In a recent assault case in Pinecrest, Florida, the local authorities have successfully pinpointed the identity of the suspect involved. The assault took place earlier this week, and the suspect is currently sought after with organized and active searches in progress. The Pinecrest Police Department has reported that they have attributed the assault to a 25-year-old male named Michael Angelo Figueroa-Hernandez.

The unsettling event, according to the police, took place on the 3rd of March. The incident occurred on the 13000 block of Southwest 69th Court. An investigation conducted by the Pinecrest Police Department highlighted the disturbing details surrounding the attack.

The assault happened during the early morning hours, around 7:30 a.m. The investigators recalled an unnerving scene – a man riding a pastel blue bicycle approached a lone woman from behind. Disturbingly, he was said to have had a violet shoulder bag strapped across him.

The suspect, now known to be Figueroa-Hernandez, ambushed the woman with a bear hug and subsequently transgressed her personal boundaries with inappropriate behavior. The case has roused the attention of the community due to the brazen nature of the attack.

The unsuspecting woman, however, demonstrated remarkable resilience. Upon the suspect’s surprise attack, she resisted fiercely, sounding an outcry that startled the attacker. This faint-hearted individual made a hasty escape on his bicycle when met with resistance from the brave woman.

His flight was not for long; it is reported that Figueroa-Hernandez discarded his bike about 10 minutes later. The place where he abandoned his mode of escape was noted to be near the intersection of Southwest 138th Street and 77th Avenue.

A turning point in the case was the presence of a surveillance camera in the vicinity of the crime scene. The camera captured the entire sequence of the crime, which was significant in aiding the identification process of Figueroa-Hernandez.

According to detectives involved with the case, they were able to cross-verify Figueroa-Hernandez’s photograph with records in their criminal system. This procedure was decisive in solidifying the suspect’s identity which, in turn, brought them one step closer towards their pursuit of justice.

The investigative details unfolded another significant aspect about the suspect – his criminal history. Figueroa-Hernandez is currently serving a probation sentence for a past burglary charge. His involvement in the recent assault case signals a troubling continuation of his ride on the wrong side of the law.

With the knowledge of his identity and past criminal records now public, the police are hopeful that someone in the community might recognize Figueroa-Hernandez and contact them. The hope is that the wider community, armed with information about the suspect, can support the police in their endeavor to arrest this individual.

The Pinecrest Police Department has encouraged anyone with knowledge about this case or the suspect’s whereabouts to step forward. They stressed the importance of communal participation in the pursuit of justice.

Individuals who are aware of any relevant information are urged to notify the Pinecrest Police Detective Bureau. They can be reached directly at 305-234-2100.

Another channel available for sharing crucial information is through the Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers. This platform serves as an additional gateway to expedite the progress of the case by seeking valuable input from the public.

Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers can be contacted at 305-471-TIPS. They have promised to treat all information with due confidentiality and reiterated that every bit of information can potentially accelerate the investigation process.