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Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson to Testify on Sanctuary Practices

The Illinois branch of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has publicly addressed the upcoming appearance of Mayor Brandon Johnson of Chicago before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in Washington, D.C. In an announcement released Tuesday, ACLU underscored upcoming Wednesday’s congress hearing as a potential maneuver to enable President Donald Trump to bypass constitutional restraints. At the start of this year, the Committee on Oversight and Reform invited Mayor Johnson for a public deposition at Capitol Hill, through an official correspondence.

The official request raised questions over the implications of sanctuary practices in cities like Chicago, New York, Boston, and Denver. There were suggestions that these practices might be in violation of national law. The message also argued that the residents of these cities are suffering due to these very sanctuary policies. James Comer, the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has affirmed that all four mayors will be present to testify in the final committee hearing.

When asked about his strategy for the upcoming hearing, Mayor Johnson stated his intention of addressing “those whose beliefs diverge from ours.” He made a point of mentioning the city’s course of action in response to the migrant crisis, which has put a significant strain on local capabilities as officials strive to accommodate and attend to asylum-seeking families.

Despite his reservations regarding the path the hearing was likely to take, Johnson reaffirmed Chicago’s dedication to upholding its principles. “Our nation is feeling threatened from within,” said Johnson. “There are those exploiting the fears of the populace and thriving in a fear-fueled environment that is quite honestly, not conducive to progress. It’s unfortunate that an irreformable administration is in power currently, but we shall persist in standing by our principles.

“This hearing goes beyond the confines of immigration policy,” stated Colleen K. Connell, the Executive Director of the ACLU of Illinois. “The discussions further consolidate the narrative spun by President Trump and his followers in the House that he reigns supreme over the nation, ignoring the constitutional boundaries that a president must adhere to. Despite Trump disregarding Congress’s function in allocating federal resources and governing, the Committee seems compliant in pressuring state and local governments to transgress their own enacted laws in favor of Trump’s policies.

Partisan members of the House Oversight Committee released a video prior to the hearing, hinting at the nature of the upcoming event, which they suggest is an opportunity to critically assess mayors from metropolitans like Johnson regarding their sanctuary policies. Officials from cities such as Chicago have been criticized for allegedly implementing illegal sanctuary practices, along with threats of retracting federal funding from such cities.

Chairman James Comer questioned the safety-focused actions of the pro-immigrant mayors of Boston, Chicago, Denver, and New York City, calling them ‘reckless’ and ‘illegal.’ He criticized their policies of safeguarding ‘criminal aliens’ from federal immigration enforcement as perilous to public safety.

“Offenders hailing from alien backgrounds should not have the freedom to walk our streets endangering the public’s safety. Governments at the state and local level rejecting compliance with the federal immigration forces’ efforts should not be allocated even a cent of federal funding,” said Committee Chairman, James Comer.

The final committee hearing is scheduled for Wednesday. During this session, the mayors will face inquiries regarding their cities’ stand on sanctuary policies. More specifically, they will be asked questions regarding their alignment with the expectations set by federal immigration enforcement.