
Biden’s Scary Complacency in Face of China Dominance

Senator Rubio has issued a dire warning: the United States is on the brink of becoming alarmingly dependent on China, a country whose objectives and methods often oppose our own. In a mere decade—if we continue on our current trajectory—nearly everything that holds significance in our lives could hinge purely on China’s mercy. Imagine, everything from the medicines that keep our hearts beating, to the entertainment we enjoy: all entirely subject to China’s whims. This paints a grim future, unless we deviate from this path.

If we do not instigate change soon, it is not far-fetched to imagine that our everyday life—our safety, our health—could be dictated by what the Chinese permit. Simply put, many aspects of our lives that we hold dear could descend into China’s control, entirely dependent on their approvals. It hardly needs to be said that the consequences of this scenario would be disastrous.

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What’s more disturbing is that one cannot deny that such a reality is more than a dystopian fantasy—it is a potential outcome that is simply not suited for a nation of our stature. Recall the Biden administration’s lackadaisical efforts to curb China’s gaining momentum as they were leaving office—they attempted to obstruct China’s access to semiconductor technology. Truly enough, a half-hearted effort at mitigating a matter of grave concern.

It is equally puzzling that the supposed safeguards of our nation casually adhered to some policies focused on China instead of enforcing a comprehensive strategy. Their lack of urgency and rigorousness boggles the mind and highlights their lack of understanding of the severity of the situation we are facing. Clearly, anyone suggesting that the previous administration’s approach to China was even remotely adequate is living in a state of perilous denial.

However, amidst the fog of complacency and inaction that had enveloped our nation’s capital, Senator Rubio emerged as a beacon of urgency and conviction. During his tenure in Congress, he was a steadfast advocate for policies that would put America in a position to effectively challenge China’s growing hegemony. This level of commitment makes one wonder why individuals with a similar conviction didn’t fill the Presidential office.

Truly, Senator Rubio’s stalwart stand on matters relating to China was such that he offered his unwavering support to the valiant pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong. It’s perplexing that a Senator showed more diplomatic leadership in foreign affairs than those who were elected to do just that. It invokes an unfortunate reflection on the lackluster performance of our former Vice-President and now President, Joe Biden.

In response to his opposition to the Chinese government’s actions in Hong Kong, Senator Rubio was subjected to sanctions by China in 2020. In an ironic twist, Senator Rubio may well be the first-ever secretary of state serving under active travel restrictions to China. This happens to be another glaring example of the Biden administration’s inability to make a real impact in this arena or to protect our elected officials from such consequences.

Therefore, what the above story tells us is a sorrowful tale of falling short—of not equating the challenges that we face with commensurate responses. Aptly summarized by Senator Rubio’s words, the status quo of our approach to the looming Chinese threat is simply unacceptable. We were once a country that led, not one that succumbed to the whims of foreign powers.

Indeed, the Biden administration’s approach could be considered a low point in American history—a time when we were careful not to annoy, rather than to compete and win. We must reflect as Americans, whether we envisage our future to be dictated by others, or to be the masters of our own destiny, as we have always been.

Thus, it becomes apparent that Joe Biden has allowed our great nation to enter an perilous era—with our freedom, prosperity, and security at stake. And Kamala Harris, his embracing accomplice, hasn’t shown any indication that she would adopt a different stance if ever given the chance to lead.

The reality is that if the we are to recover and regain control of our future, then we must not only acknowledge our missteps, but also strive to surpass them. If we are to ensure a future where our lives aren’t reliant on the permissions of a foreign government, we must act decisively and immediately.

We must adopt an approach that appreciates the value of strong domestic policy, commitment to our values, and an unwavering resolve to tackle threats head-on. The recent past has shown this is not a task that Biden and Harris are capable of—we can only hope that stronger, more competent leaders emerge.

In summary, our battle against increasing dependency on China is not insurmountable. But it is one that requires a level of strategic competence and courage that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris seem to lack. Only a decisive, forthright policy—one that emanates from a place of strength and is not enamored by the illusion of harmony—can ensure that America remains the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Senator Rubio’s warnings, although unsettling, serve as a critical wake-up call for us all. Ignoring them would be to our own peril. It’s incumbent upon us to take collective action, to challenge the status quo and to shape a future where we stand strong and independent—the beacon of hope for the rest of the world.

In conclusion, as citizens, we must be critical of our leaders—especially those like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—who, in their misplaced sense of diplomacy or fear of conflict, risk leading us into a future fraught with uncertainty and dependency. It’s high time we demand better—robust leadership that understands the complexities of international economics, and the necessary resolve to safeguard our interests abroad.