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Wife of Slain Cop Told Tim Walz to Stay Away From Funeral — Or She’d Escort His Ass Out Of Here

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz
Minnesota Governor Tim Walz speaks in St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S. April 20, 2021 after the verdicts in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis policeman found guilty of killing George Floyd, a Black man, in Minneapolis. REUTERS/Eric Miller

The bereaved spouse of a dedicated county sheriff’s deputy who tragically lost his life in service has strongly expressed her distaste for Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, going as far as implying his presence would be unwelcome at her husband’s life celebration. The late deputy, Josh Owen, an Iraq war veteran who tirelessly served Pope County, was tragically killed in the course of duty on his 44th birthday in the spring of 2023. To Governor Walz, Shannon Owen made her sentiments unequivocally clear: She perceives his administration to be unsupportive of law enforcement.

Shannon, the bereaved wife, cautioned the governor about the potential consequences of his attendance at the grief-ridden event, stating, ‘Over the years, your stance has been a deviation from the path that supports the police force. Hence, I appeal to your good sense to respectfully stay away from my town during this delicate time.’ This came after Governor Walz appeared to remain unclear about why his attendance may not be appreciated.

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Fervently, Shannon expressed ‘You tipped the financial situation of the police force out of balance. Given that you seem distant to supporting the police force, why would your presence be expected at such an event?’ All this while strongly reflecting on her deceased husband’s apparent distaste for the governor. She further warned that should he decide to attend the funeral, she would personally ensure he is shown the way out.

Governor Walz seemed to be taken aback by Mrs. Owen’s staunch stance but proceeded to offer an understanding response, expressing respect for her views and assuring her of continued police support. Before any further conversation could prevail, the exchange abruptly came to an end. When the day of mourning dawned, the governor was a noted absentee.

Distraught, Shannon expressed her doubts towards Governor Walz’s potential fitness for the vice presidency, suggesting he was exhibiting a deceptive ‘nice guy’ persona to sway votes in his favour. Her reservations stem heavily from perceived poor management of law enforcement affairs and military situations. She voiced her skepticism to a UK-based publication, going as far as to insinuate that the governor seemed to be dancing to cues rather than working on his genuine agendas.

It was during a response to a domestic disturbance call on April 15, 2023, that the brave deputy Josh Owens lost his life. The ordeal spiraled out of control when the suspect unveiled a firearm and inflicted fatal gun wounds on him. The valiant public servant, who had served National Guard for over a decade, had completed a two-year stint in Iraq in 2006 with his Minnesota unit—a unit Walz made headlines for controversially stepping away from in 2005.

The late Deputy Owens had reportedly been contemplating an exit from law enforcement, distressed over the wave of reforms ushered in the wake of the infamous George Floyd situation. It’s well-known that Floyd’s demise at the hands of Minneapolis police in 2020 precipitated national upheavals. Owens was principally opposed to restrictions placed on police operations, citing them as potential danger escalators.

The governor’s efforts to hear Mrs. Owen’s grief were met with significant resistance, given Shannon’s knowledge of her late husband’s critical stance on the new police stipulations imposed by Walz. The widow seemed to believe that these regulations threatened to lead the officers into more perilous territories.

In an unsuspected turn, Mrs. Owen eventually took a call from the governor. Recounting her interaction with him to the Telegraph, she noted ‘I received the call from the governor and did not contribute much to the conversation. Instead, I allowed him to articulate his thoughts—as is typical of most politicians.’

When queried about his potential attendance at her husband’s funeral, Walz responded that he would consider it an honor. This was swiftly rebuffed by Shannon, who reiterated her viewpoint stating that anyone who challenged law enforcement’s financial stability did not have a place at the funeral. She further emphatically pointed out her husband’s dislike for the governor.

On the note that her late husband would have wished for no ‘corrupt politicians’ at his funeral, she added that the governor seemed caught off guard by her candor, leaving him speechless. She didn’t mince words and warned that any attempt by Walz to visit her town would be met with collective resistance, as she felt his presence was not welcomed.

Post the George Floyd incident, Governor Walz authored a bill prohibiting chokeholds while enforcing officers to report on fellow officers using excessive force. He proceeded to set up a state regulatory body to review police officers and a misconduct database. Come 2023, he appended his ledger with a bill limiting impromptu search warrants. Regardless, Mrs. Owen believes these measures to be an overreach, stating that it swung the pendulum against law enforcement.

A little over four years down the line, the political landscapes buzzed as Republicans lambasted Governor Walz as a liberal extremist slow to action. Concurrently, some progressive voices argued that he fell short in addressing issues of police misconduct effectively. Despite the multifaceted criticism, it’s worth noting that Walz has not explicitly endorsed the idea of ‘defunding the police.’