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Lichtman’s Unjustified Alarm over GOP’s Rational Immigration Policies

Professor Allan Lichtman, a known critic of former President Donald Trump, has recently attacked the mass deportation plans mentioned within the 2024 GOP immigration policy. This policy, aimed at maintaining the integrity of American borders, focuses on legal processes and strives to ensure that immigration laws are respected. It is important for our readers to understand the paramount significance of well-regulated immigration systems, given their undeniable influence on national security, economy, and societal values. Contrary to Lichtman’s opinion, this large-scale policy doesn’t target innocent victims, but rather individuals who’ve bypassed legal entry procedures, arguably demonstrating a disregard for the country’s laws.

Foremost in the GOP’s 2024 immigration policy is the systematic removal of undocumented or, to put it more bluntly, illegal immigrants. These are individuals residing in the U.S. without proper permissions, an issue that seems lost on Mr. Lichtman. Interestingly, the idea also extends to deporting some legal immigrants who were admitted into the U.S. under humanitarian parole or conferred Temporary Protected Status. This approach is less about heavy-handedness and more about reexamining and rectifying previous policies that may not serve America’s best interests anymore.

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Interestingly, Lichtman, in one of his YouTube channel livestreams, called this policy ‘a horrendous idea’ that would create negative ramifications for American citizens. However, it’s essential to remember that these are subjective comments from an individual who doesn’t seem to appreciate the merits of controlled immigration, preferring instead an ‘open door’ policy that could potentially endanger national security and upset economic balance.

Lichtman painted a bleak picture of America following the implementation of this policy, stating it would evolve into a ‘police state.’ This is a distorted narrative which aims to undermine the concept of law enforcement, a fundamental pillar of any civilized society, without which rules and regulations can easily be flouted. Most importantly, questioning the efforts to enforce immigration laws could jeopardize the very essence of the American ideal of a nation governed by the rule of law.

The American professor went on to highlight the cost implications of implementing such a policy, claiming it would be ‘astronomical.’ He referred to a report from the American Immigration Council, suggesting that the plan would incur a cost to the taxpayer of $968 billion over more than ten years. However, what must be factored into this is the potential cost of not enforcing immigration laws, both on societal cohesion and the strain on public resources.

Lichtman also stated that mass deportations could reduce the U.S. GDP by 4.2 to 6.8 percent, a figure mentioned in the AIC report. While it is crucial to consider the economic implications of such policies, it’s equally important to ensure the well-being and security of American citizens. A drop in GDP cannot be ignored, but equally, neither can the need to maintain a lawful and secure society.

According to Lichtman, undocumented immigrant households paid immense amounts in federal, state, and local taxes, and contributed heavily to Medicare. Yet, one must also consider the consequences of the shadow economy that such undocumented status promotes. Industries like construction, agriculture, and hospitality would likely face labor shortages, but this could lead to a rise in wages and improved working conditions, thereby attracting lawful citizens and residents.

In essence, Lichtman seems to claim that undocumented immigrants are only guilty of ‘paper crimes,’ suggesting that being undocumented hasn’t really caused harm to anyone. This view, however, discounts the potential effects of illegal immigration on communities, labor markets, and public resources. It also threatens to undermine the very concept of ‘illegal immigration,’ as if legality is simply a matter of paperwork.

Lichtman went on to compare the behavior of undocumented immigrants to that of native-born Americans, quite controversially stating that the former group is ‘far more law-abiding.’ Yet, isn’t it ironic to refer to someone who has broken immigration law as ‘law-abiding?’ This dichotomy is representative of the confusing narrative often adopted by those pushing for loose immigration regulations.

Mr. Lichtman’s approach to predicting the result of the 2024 presidential election hinges on 13 keys, comprising true and false statements evaluating the incumbent party. These queries review various aspects of American society, including the economy, domestic politics, and foreign policies. While such systems of evaluation might appear analytical and unbiased, they can be unwittingly influenced by the analyst’s own biases and perspectives.

Interesting to note, Lichtman has officially forecasted that Vice President Kamala Harris will win the 2024 presidential election, based on this prediction model. However, it’s important to remember that this prediction comes from an individual who has consistently sided with a liberal perspective, potentially skewing his predictions to reflect his own political bias. The very idea that presidential elections can be boiled down to a set of rigid criteria lacks nuance and dismisses the ever-changing dynamics of American politics.

While this methodology defines success or failure based on 13 ‘keys,’ it is worth considering whether these ‘keys’ truly capture the complex sociopolitical landscape of modern America, or merely offer a subjective assessment contained within their, in this case Lichtman’s, biased framework. Therefore, it’s important to take Lichtman’s forecast with a pinch of skepticism and remain open to the diverse possibilities of the upcoming elections.

Ultimately, the prediction states that if six or more keys are false, the incumbent party is predicted to lose the election. For five or fewer, it is expected to win. This oversimplified binary prediction methodology neglects the vibrant flux of American public opinion, and can unfairly advantage one party over the other. To put it into perspective, consider all the external factors such as global events, societal mood shifts, and breakthrough legislation that could influence an election, and are not captured by such a rigid, 13-key model.