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Biden’s Concord Fiasco: Ploy Upon Ploy During ‘Legacy’ Trip

Despite skipping the Granite State’s primary, now-President Joe Biden found time to grace Concord with his presence two weeks prior to Election Day. He arrived to predictably boast about his handling of prescription drug costs under the pretense of building his ‘legacy’ in health care. To remind those who might have forgotten, Joe Biden was a constant figure during the election cycle until his embarrassing failures in primaries forced a near-complete retreat.

One might be surprised to recall this was Biden’s first visit back to New Hampshire since he bagged the Democratic nomination in May. Clearly, nurturing relationships in key states didn’t register high on his list of priorities. This lackadaisical attitude towards politically beneficial engagement calls into question his so-called ‘fight’ against corporate greed.

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Biden’s allies played their part perfectly, casting him as a valiant crusader taking on the Goliath of corporate greed. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth, as evidenced by his lackluster achievements, bordering on blatant administrative incompetence. His almost comical self-labeling as an ‘underdog’ and his nostalgic reference to his ‘poverty’ while in Congress only adds fuel to the farcical fire.

Perhaps he hoped this well-rehearsed line would resonate with the common people. Despite his arguably undeserved position, Biden was handed a unique opportunity to effect change when he assumed office. Instead, his policies have perpetuated the status quo, leaving many Americans to continue struggling.

Smugly proclaiming that his administration accomplished all sorts of ‘big’ things, Biden attempted to take credit for the Inflation Reduction Act he signed in 2022. However, he conveniently skated over the fact that Republicans unanimously rejected the Act, perhaps detecting its minimal longer-term impact. Meanwhile, Medicare’s slight downward negotiation of some drug prices hardly makes for an impactful ‘legacy’.

Biden then sought to attach Kamala Harris, the current presidential candidate for the Democrats, to the legislation. His vaguely amused remark about her casting the tie-breaking vote reeked of political gamesmanship. Indeed, every vote counts, but should we be celebrating a policy that barely moves the needle on healthcare reform?

New Hampshire has always been a testing ground for presidential aspirants, thanks to its first-in-the-nation primary status. However, Biden failed to even reach this contest in his first two runs for the presidency in 1987 and 2008. His bids are notorious for their lack of support, leading to early withdrawals and a lack of delegates.

In New Hampshire’s 2020 primary, Biden came in at a dismal fifth place. Devoid of delegates, the future seemed bleak. But then, bizarrely, Biden bypassed the traditional ballot process in 2024 and won the state through a questionable write-in campaign. It appears that when traditional means fail, Team Biden has no qualms about looking for alternative routes to victory.

The delegates from the 2024 primary, however, swung their support towards Kamala Harris. Despite Biden’s hasty victory, his influence was seemingly limited. An interesting turn of events where those who were supposed to support him eventually threw in with Harris, making the race to the presidency even more chaotic.

Biden’s performance in the 2020 general election was only marginally better than Hillary Clinton’s the cycle before, again highlighting the persistent mediocrity within the Democratic campaign ranks. Biden specifically, displayed an uncanny ability to underperform even the lowest of expectations, despite his uncalled-for hubris.

Predictably, Biden then called upon the crowd to vote, using the usual scaremongering statement that the upcoming administration would shape the country’s destiny for decades. This fear-mongering seems less of a genuine concern for the nation’s future, and more of a cheap ploy to win voters over.

Another peculiar move was engaging Vermont’s Bernie Sanders, a senator who significantly outperforms Biden in New Hampshire. Sanders’ agreement on several key issues, including healthcare, starkly contrasts Biden’s stance, raising further questions about the administration’s unity and policy coherence.

Sanders championed ‘Medicare for All’, aiming for a single-payer health care system, in stark opposition to Biden’s half-baked policies. Their clash on healthcare, a major issue for most Americans, reflected deep divisions within the Democratic ranks, undermining Biden’s attempts at cohesion.

Healthcare, a topic of universal concern, continues to be a substantial burden to many Americans, a problem that Biden has conveniently glossed over. Despite the availability of statistics revealing that over 25 million Americans still lack insurance, this seemingly remains a non-issue for the current administration.

Sanders’ views of the administration were predictably overblown, thanking President Biden and Vice President Harris for standing up to the pharmaceutical industry. However, his comments were drowned out by the cold hard fact that Americans still suffer the burden of paying significantly more for prescription drugs than residents of other developed nations.

Eventually, Biden and Sanders joined on stage for a faux display of camaraderie. This was perhaps the final strike of the farce, a goodbye to a state that knows President Biden all too well. As the curtain fell on the visit, it was clear that both Biden’s and the state’s political histories were disappointingly intertwined.