
Harris and Cheney: A Parody of Desperate Politics

It seems that Vice President Kamala Harris is set to undertake a journey across multiple suburban battlegrounds, curiously, with the company of Liz Cheney, a former congresswoman of the Republican Party who is evidently distancing herself from her roots. As an intriguing turn of events, Cheney, who was initially a supporter of former President Donald Trump and his agendas, dramatically changed her stance after the unfortunate events that unfolded on January 6, 2021.

It should be recalled that the former congresswoman from Wyoming served three terms before deserting Trump when he attempted to challenge the 2020 election results. Her decision to align herself against Trump and participate in the investigation of the Capitol riot led to her being ostracized from her leadership role and eventually from Congress in what can only consider a show of the Republican Party’s commitment to the day’s democratic proceedings.

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Now, Cheney is set to be a part of what Harris’s campaign refers to as ‘moderated conversations’, traveling with the Vice President to Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee’s suburbs. It does make one pause and wonder exactly how Cheney’s sudden political flip will influence the trajectory of these conversations, given that her newfound alignment appears to be vastly different from the conservative foundation she originally represented.

It is pertinent to note that this isn’t Cheney’s first foray into Democratic campaigns. Earlier this month, she was seen speaking at a Harris rally in Ripon, Wisconsin, known as the birthplace of the modern Republican Party. Quite a turn of irony, isn’t it? An emblematic Republican speaking at a Democratic rally at the place where Republicans originated.

Some might argue that Cheney’s increasing presence alongside Harris’s may suggest an attempt at courting conservative or moderate voters. However, it’s equally plausible, when viewed through cynic glasses, that this is merely a brazen demonstration of the Democrats’ constant reaching beyond their constituents in unnecessary and, for many, irritating desperation.

One might argue that Democrats are puppeteering Cheney as a self-proclaimed ‘prominent conservative surrogate’ to bolster their cause. However, in this tiresome game of political chess, the distinction between the sincere championing of one’s beliefs and manipulative opportunism seems increasingly blurry.

While the Harris campaign may label these events as ‘moderated conversations’, it’s hard not to perceive them as carefully orchestrated performances aimed at ferreting out conservative support. It’s especially amusing when considering that this supposed gathering of like-minded individuals essentially boils down to a former Trump ally now towing the Democratic Party line.

Still, it’s hard not to question the integrity of these so-called ‘moderated’ conversations. If Cheney’s participation in this Democratic venture is driven by genuine conviction, it stands to reason why she would concur with the same individuals who ridiculed her whe she supported Trump’s policies.

Indeed, it’s looking more and more like a classic case of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ strategy, where practical politics seem to triumph over ethical considerations. It appears that Cheney is willing to associate herself with any group as long as they share her disdain for Trump.

Regardless of Cheney’s intentions, Harris’ decision to closely associate with a former key Trump supporter seems rather unwise. It appears as a desperate, bottom-of-the-barrel tactic to win over voters. Perhaps, instead of putting so much effort into convincing former Trump supporters, Harris should focus on strengthening her own Democratic base.

Yes, Harris appears to be fiercely driven in her campaign undertakings, but the partnership with Cheney just seems more like a strategy with minimal potential returns given the inherent ideological differences between the two. Despite her best efforts, it seems unlikely these ventures will yield any significant Republican support for her or the Democratic cause.

As we ponder these developments, it’s clear that true colors cannot be concealed indefinitely. Cheney, despite her dramatic shift, was once part of the system that Trump led – a system, it should be underscored, that many Americans admired and championed. Her sudden change of heart, then, can’t help but raise doubts about her sincerity or in the worst-case scenario, her political integrity.

Thus, as this political chess game unfolds in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Detroit, and Milwaukee, it will be interesting to observe the eventual outcome. Will the Democrats’ attempts to manipulate the political narrative through Cheney bear fruit? Only time will reveal.

In summary, the political theatrics surrounding the alliance of Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney are filled with controversy and questionable intentions. Perhaps more than anything, they highlight the desperate measures some politicians will employ to appeal to the masses, irrespective of the ideological contradictions they may present.