
Desperate Harris’s Last-Minute Election Strategy Backfires

Perceptive observers may notice a shaky pattern in Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign as current polls paint a gloomy picture of her dwindling popularity. With desperation kicking in, Harris has been hustling to dispatch Democratic Party’s biggest names across the country in a last-ditch attempt to rally support in the final stretch of the election. However, one particular instance underlines how this strategy spectacularly backfired.

In an ill-fated spectacle in the world of politics, former President Bill Clinton, known for his small-scale, up-close and personal politicking style even at 78, attended the Fort Valley GOTV Community Fish Fry in Fort Valley, Georgia. Despite being a centrist New Democrat who won the presidency in 1992 with an understanding that the party had leaned too far to the left, Clinton massively misjudged Harris’s core bloc of progressive supporters.

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With misplaced enthusiasm, Clinton embarked on his attempt to prop up Harris, offering personal insights into her abilities. ‘I vouch for her potential as a great president after observing her political career closely,’ he confidently proclaimed. Excessive attention was imparted to healthcare and inflation, in a clumsy attempt to shield the Biden-Harris administration from the blame for the decline in millions of people’s standard of living.

The former President then moved on to the disaster unfurling at the U.S.-Mexico border, a calamity of Harris and Biden’s creation. Despite what Clinton claimed, Harris’s endorsement of a bill supposedly aimed at curtailing immigration and ensuring a thorough vetting process for immigrants doesn’t erase the fact that the Biden-Harris administration let millions of illegal border crossers not only enter but also stay in the United States.

Clinton outrageously asserted that the maladministration of Harris and Biden was somehow the fault of former President Donald Trump, who ‘killed’ this bill. This assertion, frankly speaking, is riddled with inaccuracies and distortions. Firstly, the legislation in question would not have accomplished what Clinton claims. Secondly, the bill was nowhere close to becoming law and it actually met its end in the Senate.

A crucial point conveniently ignored by Clinton is that the proposal was introduced on February 4, 2024, more than three years after Biden and Harris first graced the office. One is forced to question why they kept the border gates wide open during these three years, allowing an influx of illegal immigrants to storm in before proposing a seemingly quick-fix during an election year. The Harris campaign’s Trump-killed-the-bill narrative, therefore, crumbles under scrutiny.

Twisting the narrative further, Clinton tried to justify that Trump killed the bill to politically capitalize on the Biden-Harris immigration blunder. Sadly enough, he had the audacity to refer to the tragic case of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student brutally murdered by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela who entered the U.S. in 2022.

Clinton made a boisterous claim, stating that if proper vetting was in place, such heinous acts could have been prevented. In doing so, he faulted the Harris-Biden administration while trying to defend them. The truth of the matter remains that if Biden and Harris had managed to put the usual checks and balances in place, allowing immigrants into the U.S. after thorough vetting, Laken Riley might still be with us today.

Trump rightfully called out the insanity of the Biden-Harris open border policy, where anyone can casually stroll into the country. He noted, ‘[Clinton] is slightly late in admitting it. … The damage has unfortunately been done and it’s irreparable.’ It’s damning when criticism about the Biden-Harris inconceivable border policy comes from within their own party.

It’s intriguing to witness a luminary within the Democratic ranks admitting the appalling repercussions of the Biden-Harris border policy across the country. Öne only wishes this realisation had come a little sooner. Yet, it goes without saying that it’s rather unlikely for Kamala Harris to ever concede to this huge oversight in their policies.