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Biden’s Ratings Plunge Further into Abyss, New Poll Reveals

Unsurprisingly, the widespread disapproval concerning President Joe Biden’s performance continues to grow, new polls have highlighted. Not only his overall leadership but his less than impressive handling of the economy also met with criticism. Vice President Kamala Harris, on the other hand, remains static in the presidential race despite associated failures. The insights from the Center Square Voters’ Voice poll have further substantiated this stance.

The significant survey conducted during the first week of October includes the voices of over 2500 individuals spanning across Republicans, Democrats, and politically non-affiliated Independents. As anticipated, a significant 53% of the respondents would rather have a different leader at the helm, while only 46% still hold faith in Biden’s questionable capabilities. The figures only marginally differ when it comes to his steering of the nation’s economy – 54% voice disappointment while a mere 44% approve.

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When evaluated along party lines, it comes as no surprise that Biden’s detractors predominantly belong to the Republican camp, with a staggering 91% expressing their displeasure. Conversely, among the Democrats, Biden still inexplicably holds 86% approval, and within the circle of non-leaning Independents, this number further drops to a mere 38%.

As per the gender-wise breakdown of the survey, there is a significant disparity. Half the women respondents disapprove of Biden, with only a marginalized 49% in favor. The men, on the other hand, are vocal about their dissatisfaction, with a significant 56% sending out a negative response to Biden’s leadership and only 43% supporting him.

In an ethnic breakdown, Biden somewhat manages to retain his support among the minorities. Nevertheless, the figures are far from impressive, with merely 75% of the Black respondents and 56% of Hispanics considering his performance satisfactory. It’s pretty clear that the man at the top has failed to impress the majority, with only 40% of whites and a dismal 39% of ‘others’ approving.

Taking education into account does little to salvage Biden’s image. Among the degree holders, he just about manages to retain 55% support. The non-degree holders, on the other hand, offer no respite with just 40% backing him.

Surveying as per the Urban, Suburban, and Rural divide, it’s apparent Biden’s approval ratings are sinking under the weight of his poor policymaking. Just above half of the urban residents approve of him, whereas the numbers for suburban and rural voters stand at a staggering low of 46% and 38%, respectively.

As the numbers reveal the stark disappointment in Biden, this dissatisfaction seems to have done little to change the standing of his right hand, Vice President Kamala Harris. Even though the attempt to draw a correlation between the two yields fuzzy results, it can’t be denied that the VP’s obscure stand on numerous policies has done her no favours either.

What the respondents seem to agree upon is the clear dissatisfaction with how Biden and Harris have handled the border situation. It’s decided, Trump has an indisputable upper hand in this arena. Harris may try to assert her individuality, but after holding the VP title for four long years, she surely can’t escape accountability.

One aspect that seems to be pulling Biden down, making him unpopular among the masses, significantly happens to be his age. It’s an issue Harris has managed to side-step, yet Biden continues to face heat. The voters, understandably, have doubts regarding his ability to function efficiently, considering his advanced age.

The recent decline in Biden’s economy-related approval numbers has done him an additional disfavour. When asked about his economic efforts, only 44% of the polled agreed positively, while an unignorable 54% disapproved. The gender divide, although marginal, hasn’t helped him either, with only 46% of women and a smaller 42% men in favour.

Analysing as per ethnicity, political allegiances, or educational qualifications reveals a disconcerting trend for Biden. Approvals either remain the same or dip further adding to the pile of his failures. Despite the dismal figures, somehow, Biden holds 53% approval for his economic push in urban areas. However, suburban and rural numbers drop to a notably low 43% and 36%.

This all-encompassing national poll, one among just six in the United States, has a tight margin of error of +/-2.1% for likely voters. But it sure paints a stark picture of an administration seemingly in free fall thanks to the continuous bubble of disillusionment and disappointment surrounding Biden and Harris.