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Hurricane Response Highlights Biden-Harris Administration’s Neglect

Under the misguided leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden, our nation continues to be tormented by avoidable catastrophes. Most recently, their mismanagement has cast a devastating shadow over the American citizens impacted by Hurricane Helene, particularly those situated in the Meadowbrook neighborhood of Augusta, Georgia.

One could only wish that their bungled response to this disaster was an isolated incident. However, the truth remains that the citizens of this great nation are constantly paying the price for the reckless decisions of the Biden-Harris administration. This time, it’s the victims of Hurricane Helene who bear the brunt of their ineptitude.

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Confounding every expectation and notion of duty, the administration has decided to divert crucial resources towards their open-border policy. Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, a man who surely must remember his responsibilities also include overseeing Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), recently declared a staggering lack of funds for the remaining hurricane season due to overspending on illegal immigration.

The harsh reality that FEMA’s emergency funds were drained to accommodate illegal immigrants showcases the misguided priorities of this administration. In their negligence, it’s the innocent victims of Hurricane Helene who suffer, now receiving mere pittances of $750 checks from the meager $10 million fund remaining for their support.

And while the Hurricane Helene victims are left struggling, it’s disheartening to realize that FEMA has spent an astounding $641 million just to cover state and local governments’ expenses dealing with the fallout of this administration’s uncontrolled influx of immigrants. One struggles to comprehend how our government can continue to unravel due to such lopsided arrangements.

And the incompetence doesn’t end there. Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly decided to bypass the annual pre-hurricane-season briefing, a move that many see as yet another example of her selective engagement with crucial parts of her responsibility. Evidently, some meetings are not deemed significant enough by the leadership; a disheartening realization for those that look for commitment and foresight in their leaders.

In addition to this abject failure to prepare, Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, has found himself embattled with the Biden-Harris administration over a shocking lack of insight. In a period of immense disaster, FEMA had initially designated a mere 11 counties as disaster areas, a tragically low estimate when the devastation was spread across 90 counties.

Kemp, understandably outraged by this blatant oversight, was forced to challenge the White House directly. His intervention resulted in 30 additional counties getting listed as disaster areas, a success no doubt, but mired by the fact that such action was needed at all. It is yet another hallmark of the unpreparedness that has come to define Biden-Harris administration.

Compounding the myriad of failures is the curious decision of Pete Buttigieg’s Transportation Department to ground all private drones in the North Carolina flood zone. In a prevailing crisis scenario, these drones, used for delivering essential supplies like insulin and baby formula to stranded victims, were deemed irrelevant and barred from helping those in need.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for any admittance of failure from the Biden-Harris administration. Much like during the George W. Bush administration’s infamous missteps during the Hurricane Katrina, no expected accountability seems forthcoming. Biden-Harris seem to have adopted a steadfast refusal to face the music.

Another hurricane, should it strike, could strip the nation’s relief reserves even further. Yet we’re certain that Harris, Biden, and their associates will find some way to deflect the blame. They could easily claim that their inability to assist is due to happenstance rather than their own mismanagement.

Perhaps they’ll lay the blame at the feet of former President Donald Trump, a move they’ve made in the past when confronted with the ill consequences of their own actions. While a distressing prospect, it’s not surprising considering their previous attempts to escape responsibility.

Victims of natural disasters deserve much better than this. The rampant lack of preparedness, ham-fisted management of resources, and poor planning paint a damning picture of an administration that seems woefully out of touch with its responsibilities. It’s easy to see how their policies continue to leave citizens in desperate straits, when the focus is so misguided.

The Biden-Harris administration’s disregard for effective leadership is on full display in their response to Hurricane Helene. It serves as a reminder of their reckless approach towards crucial matters that affect the everyday lives of American citizens, and their willingness to abandon those who need them most.

Ultimately, it’s the American public who end up shouldering the consequences of Harris and Biden’s poor decisions, as seen here with those affected by Hurricane Helene. Yet, in the face of untenable conditions and immense hardships, the resilience of the American people remains unbroken.

As we continue to face the reckless maneuvers of the Biden-Harris administration, it’s important to remember that the American spirit of solidarity remains stronger than any adversity. We must rally together, support one another, and rise above the challenges set before us by this regrettable state of affairs.