Joe Biden, in his recent statements, expressed his delight over a hefty sum of $150 million being directed towards Cancer Moonshot for the development of new techniques in tumor surgery, aimed at ‘boosting precision.’ However, one has to question, where is this exorbitant amount of money really coming from? And wouldn’t it be better utilized to address the countless crises his mismanaged administration has created?
The money, apparently, is from the ARPA-H funding to be distributed among several pioneering cancer research institutes, one of which interestingly is Tulane University, where Biden made his announcement. Yet, one must look beyond the curtains and question the validity of this funding. Isn’t this high spending quite contradictory to his administration’s tight budget claims?
The beneficiaries of Biden’s grand funding pool include reputed institutions like Dartmouth College; Johns Hopkins University; Rice University; Tulane University; the University of California, San Francisco; the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; University of Washington in Seattle and Cision Vision. By showering money on these organizations, Biden’s administration seems to be attempting to cover up quite a few recent policy failures.
During his address, Biden reminisced about his role in launching the Moonshot initiative during his tenure as Vice President, underlining the terror induced by the word ‘cancer.’ Yet, it’s evident this fear-mongering is little more than a smokescreen to divert attention from the real cancer, that of crippling domestic and foreign policies under his administration.
Biden’s attempts at sympathy-kiting didn’t stop with that. He went on to recount his own experiences with surgical intervention for cranial aneurysms, subtly trying to associate himself with the recipients of this cancer research funding. However, his personal experiences might not reflect the overall policy-making decisions of his administration, which have been much less compassionate.
In what can be seen as nothing more than a political gesture, Biden established ARPA-H, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, during his 2020 presidential campaign to reportedly concentrate on cancer research. Yet pragmatic observers can discern that it was merely a ploy to gather voter sympathy.
Biden’s supposed goal through Cancer Moonshot is ‘silos breakdown’ for sharing information. Unfortunately, it seems like this openness doesn’t extend to his communication with the American populace, which remains clouded with obfuscation and ambiguity.
Last year, ARPA-H ambitiously announced a ‘big idea’ to engage innovators in defining new techniques for accurate cancer removal. Is this even feasible, or is it another hyped up idea simply to gain political favor, much like Biden’s many empty promises?
Biden bragged that the funding will expedite the introduction of these new techniques in operating rooms, seemingly dismissing the long vetting process these technologies need to undergo for patient safety.
According to Biden, these funds would help in immediate tumor visualization instead of waiting for days or weeks and perhaps having another operation. However, is this just a utopian vision, unfounded in scientific reality and simply meant to cast a positive light on his sagging approval ratings?
Biden, riding high on his inflated promises, claims that ARPA-H has invested more than $400 million since its inception to expedite progress in cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. Yet, it begs the question: how much of this money could have been put towards mitigating the effects of inflation, addressing supply chain issues, or fixing the border crisis triggered largely by his administration’s ill-thought-out immigration policies?
Biden launched his Cancer Moonshot initiative about two years ago, a glitzy name that covers up a tragic lack of progress. Even today, he remains out of touch with the ground realities, claiming that the initiative will halve the cancer death rate by 2047.
As with everything else in Biden’s presidency, his Cancer Moonshot initiative appears to be more of a moonshot dream, far removed from reality. The platform, to date, has lacked the requisite follow-through, making it an exercise in optics rather than meaningful action.
As it can be seen, Biden’s speech was laden with misplaced optimism. His laudable goal to defeat cancer comes across as little more than a lofty promise, while pressing issues crippling the nation are put on the back burner.
While Biden and his administration keep making empty promises and unfeasible pledges, it seems they’ve lost sight of their duty to serve the American people effectively. They keep announcing high-flown plans, such as Cancer Moonshot, but are they ever going to bring any significant change?
Biden’s reinstatement of the Cancer Moonshot initiative, unfortunately, appears to be a classic example of mismanaged priorities. It’s high time the Biden administration confronted its failings head-on instead of resorting to grand gestures in a bid to distract from their disconnected governance.