
Kamala Harris Gears Up for Presidential Aspirations Amidst Democratic Realignments

During my recent leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, I couldn’t help but notice the conspicuous absence of the eerie ‘Dark Brandon’ campaign posters, which were distinguished by menacing, flame-like eyes set in a large Biden face. However, the signage promoting Harris’s Presidential aspirations had not yet emerged. Naturally though, it’s only a matter of time before they do. A cursory digital search revealed a multitude of Harris campaign merchandise up for grabs, with plenty listed as ‘awaiting fulfillment’, likely due to the sudden realignment within the Democratic Presidential ranks.

As one could predict, many of these campaign signs will eventually find their way to the affluent Northern Santa Monica, where adherence to a progressive political ideology is almost a given. That being said, Kamala Harris, deemed as Joe Biden’s chosen successor, might secretly hope that these locals, essentially her neighbors, temper their fervor slightly. The current climate may not be the most favorable for a candidate to be associated with entitlement’s core.

The north region of Santa Monica beyond Montana Avenue is an area close to where Harris resides. Along with her spouse, the lawyer Douglas Emhoff, Harris has a property in the adjoining Brentwood. This plush neighborhood ranges from the Mel Brooks residence on La Mesa Drive in Santa Monica to Marilyn Monroe’s former abode near Gretna Green Way, extending uphill beyond Sunset, where luminaries like Michael Ovitz and O. J. once reigned supreme.

The houses in this vicinity are extensive, sometimes verging on palatial. Security is vigilant and omnipresent. The nearby Brentwood Country Club sees taco trucks as the preferred dining spot for day laborers. In contrast, the locals are usually found indulging in meals at the Brentwood Country Mart. This is a place where the likes of Michael Mann and his company used to domicile and where butcher counter products are sold by quarter-pound units, lending a deceptive affordability to an eighty-dollar rib-eye at first glance.

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Spotting Harris and Emhoff at El Cholo, a laid-back Mexican eatery closer to downtown Santa Monica, is not a rare occurrence. During Harris’s tenure as Vice-President, she and Emhoff seemed quite comfortable in the northern region with its heavy entertainment industry presence, populated with well-known figures and a horde of agents, writers, and producers.

To illustrate, I’ve crossed paths with Jon Favreau ambling about, witnessed Ben Affleck on school run duties, and spotted Gwyneth Paltrow darting into a wine shop, possibly en route to see her mother, Blythe Danner. Now that I think about it, my wife spent her formative years in Stan Laurel’s former home, and close friends residing up the block acquired their dwelling from a Laemmle. You could say we’re in the heart of Celebrity Land, which is far removed from Butler, Pa., where Trump once faced criticism.

Celebrity association can sometimes boost a candidate’s chances, as seen in the cases of Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even Trump. Although in the last two instances, the candidates already enjoyed high-profile status irrespective of celebrity backing. While Clinton and Obama certainly benefited from celebrity endorsement, the latter did not necessarily have celebrity support commensurate with his fame.

However, leaning on the fame factor is a more precarious gamble this year. Recent political shifts have marginalized Hollywood, especially considering its role in promoting Biden just days prior to declaring him unsuitable for candidacy. Entertainment industry donors quickly abandoned their candidate, who voiced accusations of desertion by the elites. Yet, within mere hours of Biden’s resignation, they made a quick pivot towards Harris, his successor.

Perhaps this strategy might be successful despite its seemingly hasty appearance. However, the execution did appear somewhat unseemly—it’s one thing to implement such bold tactics when marketing a film, but an entirely different matter when the objective is to earn the electorate’s trust. This electorate, already agitated about inflation, concerned about international conflicts, and exasperated with discerning the veracity of government and media narratives, may not be as easily swayed.

No doubt, the immediate surge of Hollywood donations towards Harris was welcomed. Yet, even endorsements from A-listers like George Clooney may not have substantial impact this time around. The influence of a well-to-do Brentwood might just pale in comparison to that of less extravagant locales like Butler.