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Miller Accuses Democrats of Undemocratic Practices


During a recent appearance on Fox News Sunday, former Trump adviser Stephen Miller strenuously criticized President Biden’s decision to step aside for the 2024 election, arguing the move demonstrated un-democratic behavior on the part of the Democratic Party. He directed his accusations mainly against those Democrats who, in his view, are ignoring the preferences of their own constituents to push their own agenda.

Speaking to host Laura Ingraham, Miller voiced his concerns over Kamala Harris taking up the mantle from Biden as the Democratic nominee. He delivered a scathing assessment of Harris, suggesting she is ‘napalm for working class voters.’ From his perspective, the Democratic Party is trapped in a crisis of its own making due to the actions and policies pursued by its political figures such as Harris.

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Ingraham echoed these sentiments, accusing the Democrats of hypocrisy for abandoning their ‘democratic process’ – a move she considered ironic given the years they spent admonishing Trump for what they alleged was a similar approach. According to her, the party is ignoring a significant minority of its voter base – suggesting as many as 30 percent of their voters may prefer to have Biden remain the frontrunner.

Miller agreed with this narrative, highlighting his belief that the Democratic party is neglecting its own members. He highlighted the money, time and effort invested in supporting Biden through a primary process and took issue with the party’s sudden reversal. He expressed amazement at how quickly and nonchalantly the party was ready to set aside their candidate.

Miller described the party as acting in an arbitrary fashion, arguing that they were ‘cancelling the entire primary, binning their candidate, and feigning the election as if it hadn’t transpired’. He denounced the action as a power grab, with donors getting the opportunity to cherry-pick a new nominee.

He went further, contending that this behavior was an open admission that they are essentially an oligarchy – with power concentrated in the hands of a few. This bold accusation from Miller is a significant deviation from the narrative presented by the Democrats themselves and others who perceive them as being committed to the democratic process.

Miller, who is reported to have played a key role in preparing the remarks Trump delivered at the Ellipse prior to the contentious Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, did not hold back in his critique. He presented the assertion that what the Democratic party is doing represents ‘as full-frontal an attack on American democracy as we’ve ever seen in the history of America’s major political parties.’

In his tirade, Miller delivered a mocking depiction of the Democratic Party’s actions, with a vivid portrayal of their approach which he considers to be undemocratic and out of touch with the realities on the ground. His controversial remarks form part of a wider trend of skepticism targeted at the Democratic leadership and their strategic decisions.

In essence, he was arguing that the Democrats are not giving their voters a choice or say in the matter, thereby violating the ethos of democratic participation. Such allegations, though strongly contested by some, are lent credence by the fact that their nominee appears to have been sidelined in a seemingly arbitrary fashion.

This controversy underscores an ongoing thesis about party dynamics, with tensions flaring up around perceived lack of inclusion or representation in the political decision-making process. With Biden stepping aside and the prospect of Harris as the new face of the Democratic ticket, this saga is unlikely to be put to bed anytime soon.

In these series of statements, Miller sets up a narrative that casts a cloud of doubt over the Democratic Party’s commitment to the very principles it has long professed to uphold. In doing so, he touches on themes that have become increasingly contentious in the swirling, volatile arena of American politics.

What remains to be seen is the real-world impact of these allegations – whether they will simply fuel a burning wedge of partisan division, or inspire a long overdue examination of the party’s operational procedures and ideological commitments.

However, what is irrefutable is that the sentiments expressed by Miller hold weight amongst a significant portion of the American political landscape. Given his influence as a former Donald Trump adviser, such words carry a level of authority that may well reverberate within the broader public discourse.

The Democratic Party, for better or worse, appears to be faced with a credibility crisis. Denunciations such as the one offered by Miller, in all its veracity or lack thereof, bring to light a potent rift against the backdrop of an intensely polarized political environment.

It is indeed a riveting revelation, prompting many to question the depth of truth behind Miller’s allegations, and even further, the state of our democracy. As the dust settles, the truth will eventually unveil itself.