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Trump Calls Out RFK Jr.’s Bid as ‘Democrat Plant’ – Says Voting for Him is a Wasted Vote

Recently, the spotlight has focused on ex-president Donald Trump breaking his silence on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. It was once speculated that Kennedy might be chosen as Trump’s running mate. On Trump’s Truth Social platform, he vocally criticizes Kennedy’s bid, labeling the vote for him as a ‘wasted protest vote’, and shockingly claims he would prefer Biden over ‘Junior’.

Kennedy’s candidacy has been a contentious issue in both Democratic and Republican camps. Democrats see him as diverting votes from the current President, Joe Biden, while Republicans fear he may syphon votes away from Trump in the upcoming election. Kennedy has become a disruptive independent card in the political game.

Continuing his tirade on Truth Social against RFK Jr., Trump portrays Kennedy as a ‘Democrat ‘Plant” specifically positioned to bolster Biden’s reelection chances. Trump outlines several policy areas where Kennedy arguably tilts towards left, possibly appeasing that demographic.

Exclaiming that RFK Jr. is actually a ‘Radical Left Liberal’, Trump accuses Kennedy of being part of a calculated strategy to support ‘Crooked Joe Biden’, who he goes on to label as the ‘Worst President in the History of the United States’. He insists Kennedy’s win would be a ‘WASTED PROTEST VOTE’, that could favor the Democrats if Republicans remained clueless about his real agenda.

Further, Trump criticizes Kennedy’s policies, accusing him of being starkly anti-gun, an extreme environmentalist that dwarfs even the Green New Scaremongers, an advocate of hefty taxation and open borders, and having anti-military/veteran sentiments. Trump’s accusations focus on stirring concerns about Kennedy’s alignment.

Looking at Kennedy’s policy viewpoints, they vary broadly. This former environmental attorney has diverged to the left of Biden on several environmental fronts, such as promoting a permanent halt on natural gas exports. He also questioned the president’s clean energy subsidies.

Kennedy’s environmentally focused policies coupled with his enduring Democratic legacy, have positioned him as a seemingly looming threat to Biden’s grip on Democratic votes in the 2024 election. Robust rivalries are taking shape with Kennedy drawing voters away from both traditional parties.

As recent polls indicate, Kennedy is pulling support from both the Democratic and Republican voter base, posing an unexpected challenge to the GOP, and prompting Trump to go on the defensive. The political landscape is heating up in preparation for the nearing election.

According to a subscriber poll by Quinnipiac, Kennedy’s popularity sits at 16 percent amongst registered voters. The same poll shows Trump and Biden neck and neck with 37 percent each. Furthermore, Jill Stein from the Green Party and independent Cornel West each captured 3 percent of the votes.

An interesting revelation from the polls was that a higher percentage of Republican voters (44%) held a favorable view of RFK Jr. compared to the Democrats at 11%. This was quoted by Politico who reported the data. This flip in sympathies towards a historically Democratic figure reflects an unpredictably shifting political landscape.

In late March, Kennedy announced Nicole Shanahan, 38-year old lawyer and businesswoman, as his 2024 running mate. The development led to swift responses from Trump and various other quarters. The election scene writhes with anticipation as the race gathers momentum.

Trump responded by branding Kennedy as the ‘Radical Left Candidate’ and criticized his endorsement of the Green New Deal. Trump goes on to say that Kennedy taking votes away from Biden would be ‘a great service to America’, hinting at his low opinion of the current president.

Continuing his stance, Trump went on to claim that Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is even more liberal than Kennedy himself. He warned that the leftist Democrat duo might find it tough to get on the ballot due to potential indictments.

By stating ‘It’s great for MAGA’ Trump highlights that Kennedy and Shanahan’s candidacy could be advantageous for his agenda. However, he cautions, the perceived ‘Communists’ will attempt to obstruct their candidature. Trump’s proclaimed love for Kennedy’s candidacy adds a dose of intrigue to the political theater.

Charlie Kirk, a conservative pundit, brought attention to the fact that Shanahan, RFK’s chosen vice presidential candidate, is a large fundraiser for George Gascon. This Soros-backed prosecutor has a controversial record, being considered responsible for exacerbating criminal issues in San Francisco and LA. She supported Measure J, a Los Angeles proposition which intended to redirect funds from law enforcement and prisons to social services and mental health treatments.

Kirk labeled Kennedy’s choice as ‘far-left’ and a way to enhance his progressive credentials. He believes this move raises red flags for rational independents and middle-ground voters who are frustrated with escalating crime rates but are also intrigued by Kennedy’s campaign.