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Michigan Bishop Critiques Biden’s Stance on Abortion 

In recent news, distinguished Catholic authority, Bishop Robert Gruss, has expressed concerns over the evident disparity between President Biden’s proclaimed religious beliefs and his enacted policies. Situated at the heart of Michigan, Bishop Gruss’s seat of power, the Diocese of Saginaw, witnessed the Bishop deliver an impactful address at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption on April 5th.

The speech, titled ‘Forgiveness as the Heart of Christianity’, powerfully touched on a personal narrative where he grew up with an alcoholic father and later, as an adult, embracing the power of forgiveness to heal his past. Quoting him, the Bishop proposed empowering forgiveness not just for those physically present in our lives, but also for influential figures, inclusive of all, familiar and famous.

During this profound sharing of his life journey and the lessons of forgiveness he had learned, he espoused the idea that nurturing vendettas towards anyone, even the President, shackles our minds and controls both our thoughts and actions. ‘If you’re harboring bitter, cynical, resentful emotions towards our president, you’re not free,’ he said eloquently, capturing the essence of potential toxicity brewing underneath such negativity. He urged his audience to consider the negativity that stems from resenting public figures like the president. He warned them of how indulging in such relentless negativity could potentially lead to sin.

Driving home the message of the potential dangers of such unresolved resentment, the Bishop issued a light-hearted challenge to his listeners: “How many times have you confessed your anger towards the president?” While it drew laughter from the crowd, he followed up with ‘I’m serious; I’m not joking. If you hold onto such emotions, you ought to confess them. Otherwise, you’re not free.’ This helped illustrate the damaging aftereffects of harboring unexpressed resentment towards the president or any public figure for that matter.

Taking a moment to reflect on his perspective, Bishop Gruss expressed his personal feelings towards President Biden, emphasizing how his Catholic faith shapes this stance. ‘I harbor no resentment towards the president, rather I empathize with him. I don’t experience anger towards him; he is merely misguided,’ he explained. Drawing this distinction between his initial laughter-inducing comment and his actual stance showcases a truly candid moment during this discussion.

Continuing his sentiment, Bishop Gruss subtly implied that President Biden may not have a complete understanding of the Catholic faith. ‘It’s not about slandering him; it’s merely that he lacks full comprehension of the Catholic faith,’ further clarified the Bishop. This assessment was meant to underline the apparent disconnection between Biden’s declared faith and political actions, specifically his stance on contentious issues like abortion.

This comment sparked a wave of buzz and added to the existing controversy that surrounds the topic of religion and politics. Not one to shy from setting the record straight, Bishop Gruss clarified his comment post-speech. He apologized for his choice of the word ‘misguided’ referring to President Biden and underlined his broader message of forgiveness.

Explaining his statement further, Bishop Gruss reminded listeners that his reference to ‘misguided’ was grounded in the wider context of the power and need for forgiveness. ‘Forgiving those in government who might upset us with their words and actions is crucial – to not do so would result in committing the sin of harboring resentment,’ he stated. Though the word he used caught attention, it was meant to deliver the deeper moral behind his talk rather than to provoke controversy.

Bishop Gruss was quick to admit his lapse in judgment, ‘I used the term ‘misguided’ when referring to President Biden, realizing that it showcased poor judgment in the choice of my words,’ he readily confessed. He re-emphasized that his comments were not meant to insult, rather to convey his constructive critique and he regretted if it came out as the former. Following this address, the Bishop formally apologized for his utterance.

Amid his dynamic schedule, President Biden recently made time to criticize a ruling made by the Arizona Supreme Court. This criticism was aimed at an antique law about abortion that was first introduced in 1864. The court stood its ground by sticking to the original law, which predominantly bans abortion except for severe cases where the mother’s life is endangered. Healthcare providers found performing the procedure unlawfully could also face imprisonment ranging between two and five years according to this decision.

Biden expressed concerns by claiming that the law would jeopardize the lives of millions of Arizonans as it would enforce a stricter abortion ban, which didn’t even consider the health of the pregnant women or circumstances of rape or incest. The President’s words were made public through an official statement from the White House. He vocalized his long-standing support for a woman’s right to choose, expressing displeasure in the continued existence of such an antiquated law.

The President also took a jab at the historical timeline of this legislation, citing, ‘This cruel ban was enacted in 1864 — over a century and a half ago, prior to Arizona achieving statehood and long before women secured the right to vote.’ He made no efforts to hold back his critique of what he dubs a result of ‘the extreme agenda of Republican elected officials,’ who he accuses of intent on infraverting women’s liberty.

Vice President Kamala Harris, following the consequential ruling in Arizona, erroneously attributed it to the influence of former President Donald Trump. She voiced her assertions in a public statement Tuesday afternoon, declaring ‘With a single action, Arizona just regressed back to a time before women could cast their votes — and, as per his own words, there’s one person culpable: Donald Trump.’ She also strongly condemned the statewide prohibition on abortion care.

VP Harris condemned the Arizona law for its lacking provisions for exceptions in situations of rape, incest, or severe health risks for women. She was firm in her stance, attributing the enforcement of these stricter abortion bans as a direct consequence of former President Donald Trump’s actions. She cited his self-proclaimed pride in being ‘the person responsible’ for overturning Roe v. Wade.

Harris went on to speak vehemently against the stringent ban, describing it as ‘even more extreme and dangerous’. She voiced her concerns on how this law could directly affect and endanger women’s lives. She emphasized the urgent need for exceptions in cases of sexual assault, incest, or where the woman’s health is in danger.

In her commentary, Vice President Kamala Harris categorically held former President Donald Trump accountable for the potential detrimental consequences of such strict bans on a woman’s choice, asserting that ‘It’s a reality because of Donald Trump.’ She continues with reference to Trump’s previous braggadocious claim about being pivotal in overturning Roe v. Wade, which arguably paved the path for the implementation of such cruel prohibitions throughout the state of Arizona.

Together, President Biden and Vice President Harris’s responses to the Arizona law reinstatement represent their unwavering commitment to a woman’s right to choose. They single out the role of their Republican counterparts in promoting an, as they perceive, outdated and potentially dangerous legislative action that could significantly impact countless lives. At the intersection of religion, politics, and personal liberties, an ongoing dialogue unfolds.

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