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Chris Cuomo on Trump: “This Guy Is Going To Win”

Chris Cuomo
FILE - Chris Cuomo attends The Hollywood Reporter's annual Most Powerful People in Media cocktail reception on April 11, 2019, in New York. CNN fired Cuomo for the role he played in defense of his brother, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, as he fought sexual harassment charges. CNN said Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021, it was still investigating but additional information had come to light. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File)

Chris Cuomo, anchor with NewsNation, has speculated that the nation’s former Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump, will reclaim his spot in the Oval Office in the forthcoming presidential showdown. Cuomo’s predictions hinge on the unyielding support that continues to bolster Trump well after his tenure at the White House. The stage for the 2024 elections is projected to be a reiteration of the Trump and Biden duel, especially after potential 2024 contender, Nikki Haley, bowed out of the race just last week.

Cuomo, a prominent figure in news reporting, voiced his remarks regarding Trump: ‘Such zeal and fervor in the public supporting one person is a sight I’ve never previously witnessed. I can’t recall ever being amidst such enthusiastic rally crowds as those backing up Trump. Even the charisma of Obama was not enough to generate rallies of such magnitude.’

Reflecting on the riveting 2016 face-off between the once Republican nominee, Donald Trump and Democrat’s pick, Hillary Clinton, Cuomo offered some candid insights. He believed the Democratic Party miss-stepped by neglecting to engage with the curiosity and concerns of the demographics Trump was able to reach and resonate with. Rather than starting a dialogue, he noted, it felt like they were saying, ‘You’re devoid of reason, if you throw your support behind Trump.’

Regrettably, according to the seasoned anchor, the Democrats seem to be stuck in a similar rut as 2024 approaches, continuing to alienate potential voters instead of fostering understanding. Cuomo, who was also a guest on a podcast episode in November, made it clear that he was not beyond considering casting his vote in favor of Trump over Biden.

He mitigated this revelation with the statement that his vote would depend on ‘the state of the world at the critical juncture of casting one’s vote.’ To date, both the seasoned political figures, Biden and Trump, are yet to secure the presidential nomination for their respective parties. Despite this uncertainty, both maintain a lead in the polls and have emerged victorious in various primaries.

Another round of primaries is slated for next Tuesday, an exact week following a Super Tuesday where the crowns sat unquestionably on the heads of both Biden and Trump. As per several polls, should a rematch occur between Trump and Biden, it is likely that Trump could once again ingest the flavor of victory.

These polls, predictably, have not found favor with the Biden camp. As the campaign’s communications director, Michael Tyler, would have it, such polls severely downplay Biden’s potential to once again win the presidency. He reasons that the current polls underestimate Biden’s pulling power.

Presidential polls are an ever-moving target, notoriously hard to accurately peg. The elements at play: public sentiment, current events, both local and globally, the economic landscape, all potentially influence the ebb and flow of support for any given candidate. While, devoid of context, these numbers can give insights, they only tell a part of the story.

A reflected upon the political dynamics in play leading up to 2016, there is a lot that can be learnt. An election isn’t just about presenting reasons why a candidate should get votes, it is also about meeting the voters where they stand, respecting their perspectives, and making them feel understood.

Biden’s team would do well to consider this while navigating the upcoming 2024 bout. As they gear up to possibly square off with Trump again, it would be prudent not to underestimate the sway he holds with a significant part of the populace, or reject them outright.

Given Trump’s knack for connecting with the everyday American and the resilience of his support base, he should not be taken for granted. The Democrats may need to expand their outreach and focus on facilitating dialogue instead of dismissing what they perceive to be misguided perspectives.

The electorate, when it comes down to it, wants to feel both heard and understood. Only when candidates prove they truly understand the needs and concerns of the people they want to lead, can they hope to receive their support. As the potential rematch between Trump and Biden begins to take shape, both candidates would do well to remember this.

A tossup between Trump and Biden for the 2024 election is quite noteworthy. This would imply a repeat of history, and with the lessons learned from 2016, one could speculate that the tide of the rematch might be different this time around. The past has shown that American politics are anything but predictable.

So as the countdown to 2024 begins, the country waits with bated breath. There is much more at stake than merely discerning who will occupy the White House, but rather represents the triumph of the values that the majority of the population cherishes. The election result will be a reflection of the will and values of the American people.

As the narrative unfolds, it will be interesting to observe how the potential candidates choose to engage their audiences. Cuomo’s observation should serve as food for thought not only for the Democrats but also for any political camp hoping to secure the Oval Office.

Whether it’s Trump or Biden who secures their respective nomination, come election day, the choice ultimately lies not with the politicians nor the pundits, but with the American voter. Their decision will steer the course of this proud nation for the ensuing four years. This remains an integral story for not just residents of Colorado Springs, but all across the United States.

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