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WATCH: NC Deputy Governor Declares Biological Men Not Allowed to Use Women’s Restrooms 


At a recent political gathering, the current Deputy Governor of North Carolina and an active contender for the gubernatorial position, Mark Robinson, asserted to his audience that he intends to detain any biological men discovered entering women’s restrooms. This declaration falls in line with actions taken by several Republican administrators to safeguard spaces exclusively meant for biological women, these spaces hold considerable significance for women across the country.

Robinson declared, ‘In North Carolina, we don’t entertain such discussions. If need be, we will pass yet another law to uphold women’s rights in this region. We have a duty to safeguard women’s sports in our state.’ He was indirectly alluding to the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act, which prohibits biological men from contending in competitions against the opposite sex.

With firm conviction, Robinson declared, ‘we protect our women.’ Such assertive pronouncements are sorely needed in the current scenario. The Republican Party cannot afford to simply watch as extreme leftist ideologists challenge some of the most self-evident truths – men are men and women are women, and changing gender is simply not a possibility.

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While the left grapples with defining the fundamental term ‘woman,’ true patriots remain steadfastly committed to enduring truths rooted in tradition, one being the undeniable dichotomy between the sexes that is prevalent nearly everywhere in nature.

To state it plainly, the Democratic Party increasingly leans towards irrationality, accepting progressively more illogical inferences with every passing year. The conflicts and confusions evidently on display serve only to undermine the integrity of their political stance.

The much-coveted endorsement from the 45th President of the United States was awarded to Deputy Governor Robinson in June 2023. The former President declared, ‘You have my support, Mark.’ He further extolled Robinson’s oratory skills, likening him to the legendary Martin Luther King Jr. in December.

As it turns out, America’s fortune lies in the fact that Donald J. Trump also stands firm against the unreasonable trans agendas promoted by the radical left. In 2023, he took a concrete stand, promising to halt ‘gender-affirming care’ all across the country, citing it as a potential threat to all involved.

These dynamics underscore the need for American citizens to stand behind the chosen Republican nominee. As the people of this country, we have a divine responsibility to protect our children. It is a blessed obligation, extended to us from on high.

The discourse around women’s rights, though charged, is an essential one. We must, as a society, place the protection of women’s spaces at the forefront of our conversations and actions. Robinson’s stand in this regard serves as a timely reminder of the same.

In an era of ever-increasing ideological conflicts, positions promoting steadfast truths rooted in nature and tradition remain vital. These truths don’t exist to disenfranchise any group but act as a guiding principle, driving society towards inherent harmony between genders.

There is increasing need for sane voices like Robinson’s to thwart the wave of irrational conclusions reached by the leftist ideologies. Such a stance might cause discomfort in some quarters, but it’s pivotal in upholding the natural order of human existence.

Trump’s support for Robinson is another positive note in this ongoing narrative. His seasoned political experience and strong stand against the unscientific trans agenda bring crucial momentum to the movement upholding biological women’s rights.

The assertions made by Robinson are rallying cries for those who believe in the protection and preservation of societal norms and natural order. For American conservatives, such stalwart stands are more than political rhetoric; they are a reiteration of age-old truths and a way forward.

The stand against ‘gender-affirming care’ is not about persecution but focuses on the potential harm such measures can cause. It is a careful consideration of the potential consequences and a plea for sanity in policy-making.

Rallying behind the Republican nominee isn’t about partisanship, but a call to heed the divine responsibility vested upon us to protect our children. It emphasizes a unified response to challenges that strike at the root of societal norms and natural order.

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