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Biden Faces Scrutiny Over Attempted Obstruction in Impeachment Inquiry


A larger investigation into President Biden is now underway, led by two Republican chairmen who believe there may have been an attempt on his part to obstruct his son, Hunter Biden’s, cooperation with the impeachment inquiry in the House.

The leaders heading this investigation, Chairman of the Oversight Committee James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, are focused on a statement released by the White House that ostensibly indicates President Biden had foreknowledge of his son’s intention to disregard congressional summons.

A joint announcement by the chairmen shares their interpretation of the situation: ‘Taking into account an official message from the White House corroborating that President Biden was aware beforehand that his son, Hunter Biden, planned on refusing two congressional summons, we feel obligated to analyze, as a part of our impeachment investigation, whether the President played a part in a scheme to hinder congressional proceedings.’

The pair of GOP leaders addressed their concerns to Edward Siskel, an aide to Biden within the White House Counsel’s Office, in a letter stating in detail: ‘With respect to the ongoing impeachment investigation, kindly provide the subsequent information, ranging from January 20, 2021, until now: 1.

Any documentation and interaction sent or received by the employees of the President’s Executive Office touching on the deposition of Hunter Biden, inclusive of but not restricted to communication with Hunter Biden, Winston & Strawn LLP, and Kevin Morris; and 2.

Any documentation and interaction sent or received by the employees of the President’s Executive Office referring to President Biden’s statement on his family’s business partners dated December 6, 2023. Please provide this information at your earliest convenience, but no later than January 10, 2024.’

Their letter further elaborated on the investigation: ‘Note that the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on the Judiciary are putting together an inquiry to determine if there is enough premise to draft an impeachment motion against President Biden for full House consideration.

Alongside the Chair for House Ways and Means, Jason Smith, evidence justifying the inquiry and the dimensions of this impeachment investigation have been set forth in a memorandum dated September 27, 2023. On December 13, 2023, the House Representatives approved the continuation of this investigation.’

The House put forth a formal authorization for the potential impeachment investigation of President Biden earlier this month. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) commented about the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, stating their obligation to carry it through.

During a press conference last month, he further reflected on the weight of the situation by saying, ‘We are living in serious times, dealing with serious matters. Over the past few years, impeachment has unfortunately become a frequent topic of discussion. I often mention that apart from a Declaration of War, one could argue that impeachment represents the greatest leverage Congress possesses. And this constitutional responsibility lies squarely within the purview of the House.’

Reiterating the importance of their investigation, he continued: ‘Our duty is to follow the truth, no matter where it leads us. John Adams once famously uttered, ‘Facts are stubborn things.’ The facts that have been brought to our attention this morning are deeply troubling – alarming not just to ourselves but to the American people as well. In spite of deriving no joy from these proceedings, we remain committed to our duty. We take great pride in the diligence of the three chairmen seen here today, Chairmen Comer, Jordan, and Smith.’

In a surprising turn, news also surfaced that Burisma, the Ukrainian-owned energy company, where Hunter Biden held a well-compensated position as a board member during his father’s vice presidency, has opted to retain a New York law firm and registered as a foreign agent. This move comes amidst the ongoing impeachment investigation headed by Republicans.

According to records of the federal government’s Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), the company has engaged the services of Cravath, Swaine & Moore. The report suggests that this registration may in fact relate to work carried out in the year 2016.

Undeniably, the specter of impeachment is looming lastingly and pervasively over President Biden. The core of the issue being investigated here is not rooted in the mere fact of Hunter Biden’s refusal to cooperate with congressional subpoenas, but rather, the possible proactive involvement of the President himself in impeding the due course of a congressional investigation.

As members of Congress, appointed to their positions by the people, the chairmen conducting this investigation carry a sense of solemn obligation. Their aim isn’t merely to uphold the rule of law, but also to send a clear message on matters of government accountability. They see their role not just as upholding the lofty principles of American democracy, but also as representing those Americans who elected them to their current seats.

As the current state of affairs unfolds, it is critical for all involved, from Congress to the White House, to understand that the decisions they make and the actions they take impact the American citizenry. The gravity of an impeachment, which is perhaps matched only by the monumental nature of declarations of war, reflects the importance of seeking truth and championing justice where it is deemed necessary by Congress.

Simultaneously, these events continue to illuminate the complex, interwoven world of politics and industry, as highlighted by Hunter Biden’s role on the board of an international energy firm. This occurrence brings the debate over domestic and foreign standards of business practice to the forefront of national attention, emphasizing a need for transparency and ethical behavior.

While the lone news report only captures a snapshot of the current political landscape, it sheds light on the intricate workings of congressional proceedings as well as the federal government’s mechanisms for registering foreign agents. Above all, it is a stark reminder that the fight for truth and justice, particularly in these ‘serious times,’ is ongoing.

As developments unfold and more details emerge, the nation watches carefully, engaging in an active dialogue about the actions of their leaders and the future direction of their country. The resolution of this investigation, be it the indictment or exoneration of President Biden, will undeniably have lasting effects on America’s political stability and its people’s perception of their elected leaders and institutions.