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Unphased: Clinton’s Office Responds to Potential Epstein Document Reveal


The forthcoming disclosure of court paperwork concerning the infamous Jeffrey Epstein, now deceased and posthumously disgraced for his sexual offenses, could very well include amongst its ranks the name of ex-President Bill Clinton. Mr. Clinton’s office, in response to this possibility, has indicated no resistance to the idea of such information entering the public domain.

In response to anticipated inquiries regarding the imminent unsealing, Mr. Clinton’s office merely redirected any questioners to a previous statement made in 2019. This statement, generated by Clinton’s spokesperson Angel Urena, offered clarification on Mr. Clinton’s association with Mr. Epstein.

Mr. Urena, speaking on behalf of the former President’s office, reiterated Clinton’s absence from any allegations connected to the offenses of Epstein. He further stressed that there has been no contextual scenario in which the former president had expressed reservations about the said documents being revealed to the public.

Mr. Urena stated unequivocally that the former president wasn’t privy to any of Jeffrey Epstein’s heinous crimes, which led to his conviction in Florida and the charges brought against him in New York. His information, he clarified, was limited to that which had been publicly broadcasted.

Clinton’s itinerary included Epstein’s private aircraft for a total of four journeys during 2002 and 2003. Each of these trips were steeped in purpose with one to Europe, another to Asia and two to Africa. These latter two primarily catered to Clinton Foundation’s endeavors.

The former president was accompanied on these trips by a varied entourage comprising foundation enthusiasts, his office staff, and the Secret Service. This, as per Mr. Urena, was the norm irrespective of the leg or destination of the trip.

During this same period, Mr. Clinton met Epstein only once at his office in Harlem. This was followed by a visit to Epstein’s New York residence with one staff member and security personnel. These are said to be the only instances where Clinton and Epstein were in the same premises.

Urena in 2019 further made it clear that the former president did not visit Epstein’s residences in both Florida and New Mexico. He also emphasized that Clinton never made a trip to Epstein’s notorious Caribbean island, known as Little St. James.

As previously reported by RTM, there is a lingering sense of anticipation around the release of Epstein’s infamous list of contacts, colloquially known as his ‘little black book’. A lot of eyebrows are raised over the names that might be found in its pages.

Late last year, a federal judge ordered the notorious, heavily edited list to be disclosed to the populace. The contents of this book, originally believed to be comprising of around 150 to 200 names, have been piquing curiosity.

Public figures may find themselves facing the harsh light of scrutiny as their names are circulated in connection with Epstein’s activities. ABC News has reported that Clinton is one of those whose names could appear on this list.

The list contains a hodgepodge of types of relationships Epstein entertained – from business acquaintances and clients to those in the journalistic fields who have covered Epstein’s stories. Even those who were part of the investigation against Epstein or his victims may find themselves on the list.

According to the report from Fox News, the names that remain hidden in the document are those of minor victims and individuals who have been incorrectly tagged as suspects by a journalist.

Fox News’ Alexandria Hoff hinted on Monday that Bill Clinton’s may not be the only well-known name released. In a world where powerful individuals mingling with controversial figures isn’t unheard of, this speculation does not come as a surprise.

Therefore, as the court documents are unsealed, the implications could expand far beyond the realm of the Clintons. It serves as a reminder that associations with such disreputable figures as Epstein may come back to haunt individuals, irrespective of their public standing.