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New Frontrunner Appears on Trump’s Potential Vice President List 


Recent statements by Donald Trump, the former American president, suggest that out of the current array of likely GOP candidates for the 2024 race, he can’t visualize any as a potential vice-presidential running mate. He reportedly voiced this opinion in a public gathering in Michigan, citing an absence of visibly vice-presidential material within the pack.

At a political event, Trump was noted as commenting that those on the roster would be willing to settle for any role, even as the VP. Nevertheless, he doesn’t find any of them fitting the VP mold yet. Statements made to The Washington Post by Steven Cheung, spokesman for the Trump campaign, didn’t particularly endorse this view, but they also did not counter it.

Reports from The Hill, however, hint towards the possible inclusion of a candidate in Trump’s VP shortlist – Kristi Noem, South Dakota’s Republican Governor. Trump seems to hold Noem in high regard, praising her capabilities as a governor, commending her staunch endorsement of him, and noting how her state has been extremely favorable to him.

Trump also hinted his preference towards considering a female running mate, but he emphasized that the overriding determinant would be the individual’s competence and capability. Trump, in saying that he or she must be ‘the right person’, underscored the significance he is attaching to choosing his VP, conveying that the choice would ultimately be grounded on competence and compatibility over everything else.

Trump also suggested that, although the VP slot is important, it is ultimately the presidential nominee who truly shapes the direction of the race. In a recent conversation, Governor Noem responded positively when queried about possibly being on a Trump ticket, saying she would accept ‘in a heartbeat’.

Noem brings an interesting balance to a potential ticket with 77-year-old Trump, given her age at 52 and significant legislative achievements in her state. Her stewardship of South Dakota, a strong Republican stronghold, has seen notable conservative actions, making her a suitable ally for Trump.

Roll Call recently released a report outlining the probable top five choices on Trump’s VP candidate shortlist, a roster that is likely to include Kristi Noem amongst its ranks. Other potential candidates figuring in the report include Arizona Republican Kari Lake, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, ex-Governor of South Carolina Nikki Haley, and New York Representative Elise Stefanik.

Meanwhile, there’s fresh speculation about the former First Lady Melania Trump’s preferred choice for her husband’s 2024 running mate. An exclusive report by Axios suggests Melania is leaning towards former Fox News star Tucker Carlson as a suitable VP candidate for her husband.

According to this report, the former First Lady believes Carlson could be a strong addition to her husband’s campaign, potentially influencing her to be more involved this time around. Nonetheless, not everyone in Trump’s inner circle agrees due to a range of factors, not least the fear that Carlson might overshadow Trump.

It has been suggested that Tucker Carlson may be too independent to manage effectively within the team environment, leading to some hesitation within the Trump camp. Despite this, Trump and Carlson frequently converse, establishing a relationship between the two.

New York Times columnist Maggie Haberman recently interviewed Jamie Weinstein on The Dispatch Podcast during which they discussed how Trump might choose known loyalists for his hypothetical administration. This led to rumors about Carlson potentially being chosen, which Haberman noted was a ‘real possibility’.

Haberman, however, also underlined that the unpredictability of such a scenario is high. Despite Trump’s historical precedent of unorthodox decision-making, Haberman believes that the selection process will be thorough due to the increased organization of his current political team.

Haberman continued her speculation by surmising that Carlson’s individual fame might not sit well with Trump, adding a further layer of complexity to a potential Trump-Carlson ticket. Earlier last month, Trump suggested that he has indeed contemplated Carlson as a vice-presidential candidate.

In a radio interview, Trump praised Carlson’s common sense and indicated he was in favor of the Fox star as his running mate, despite the inherent challenges. Trump’s affinity for Carlson appears to stem from shared ideological stances, expressed through a lens of common-sense actions such as supporting secure borders and walls.

Overall, the potential VP pick for Trump remains uncertain with varied opinions within his circle. Between the current pool of Republican hopefuls, South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem and former Fox News star Tucker Carlson emerge as the most likely selections.