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Congress to Vote on Joe Biden’s Potential Impeachment Some Time Next Week


Leaders in the House of Representatives, hailing from the Republican party, have been vocal about their intent to bring about a vote next week, a pivotal move aimed at unlocking an impeachment procedure against President Biden, information gathered from Fox News indicates.

The congressional deliberations regarding the possible impeachment of the President developed shortly after the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer of Kentucky, shared the subpoenaed banking details. These banking records indicate that a business operated by Hunter Biden, the son of the President, was involved in making consistent monthly payments directly to President Biden.

Comer highlighted that the payments were not sent from the personal account of Hunter Biden, rather from the account of his company which has been a recipient of payments from nations such as China and other regions of significant global interest.

He shared these views publicly via a video communication on a Monday. The ongoing narrative from the Donald Trump’s administration is an insistence that President Biden has dabbled in no wrongdoing and remains oblivious regarding the economic pursuits of his son.

James Comer is leading a wide-ranging investigation into the Biden family, with a significant focus on Hunter Biden and his international business entanglements.

An impeachment inquiry hearing was held in September as part of this broad sweeping investigation by the Oversight Committee. Furthermore, the House Ways and Means Committee, another participating body in this investigation, revealed some messages from 2017 featuring Hunter Biden.

In these exchanges, Hunter Biden appears to chastise his Chinese business collaborator, Henry Zhao, for falling short on a designated ‘commitment’ and indicates that his father is by his side during the conversation. In a pointed comment, Hunter Biden communicates the urgency of resolving any misunderstandings in the immediate future, with the possibility of consequences if action is not taken.

Hunter Biden sent this revealing WhatsApp message to Zhao, the CEO of Harvest Fund Management, a prominent asset management company based in Beijing, on July 30, 2017, as detailed in documents publicized by Republican members in House. Within days of this, on August 4, 2017, an investment enterprise from China, CEFC Infrastructure Investment, moved an amount of $100,000 to the law firm Owasco, which is tied to Hunter Biden.

A couple of days after, CEFC Infrastructure Investment transferred an even higher amount of $5 million to Hudson West III, a firm established by Hunter Biden in collaboration with his Chinese associates. And later in August 2017, reports indicate that a chain of 20 wire transactions was initiated by Hunter Biden from Owasco to the Lion Hall Group.

Lion Hall Group, a consulting firm, has connections to James Biden, President Biden’s brother, and his wife Sara. The net amount transferred during this series of transactions from August 2017 till August 2018 was calculated to be around $1.4 million. In an interesting development, the payments which were exchanged between Hunter Biden and his father and reported by Comer on the same day, stemmed from an account associated with Owasco.

Media reports have pointed out that last week, a banking investigator expressed his apprehension regarding an additional $5 million, wired from a Chinese firm to the bank account Hudson West III, belonging to Hunter Biden in August 2018. A sum of $400,000 was moved by Hunter Biden from this received amount to his Owasco PC account.

Interestingly, these funds were later transferred to a business account belonging to James Biden and then to a joint personal account held by James Biden and Sara Biden. The convoluted movement of these funds, as outlined by Comer, ended up resulting in a check issued to President Biden for $40,000.

The disclosures have stirred significant conversation, and the Republicans, led by the indomitable James Comer, are now bent on using the financial disclosures to challenge President Biden’s credibility. The fact that President Biden is alleged to have received direct payments from his son’s business operations, funded by entities with potential national security implications, could potentially create a seismic shift in the political landscape.

Though the Biden administration has maintained its stance on the President’s unawareness of these financial transactions, the Republican-led investigation is seemingly unwavering in pursuing clarity. The release of Hunter Biden’s financial transactions, especially the ones involving large sums of money transferred between international business associates and family members, will continue to fuel contentious debates in Congress.

The situation poses an important question: does financial independence absolve family members of political figures from scrutiny, or are they inevitably tangled in the web of interests surrounding their kin’s power, influence and political responsibilities? The answer may well lie in the results of the planned impeachment vote next week.

As the possibility of an impeachment inquiry looms larger, the stakes for President Biden and his administration rise. But regardless of the outcome, this episode serves as a reminder of the potent mix of politics, international business affairs, and family connections in shaping a President’s tenure.