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Tucker Carlson Predicts Presidential Race Won’t Be Between Trump and Biden


The prior notable personality from Fox News, Tucker Carlson, recently shared an interesting foreseeing regarding the 2024 presidential elections. He expressed doubts over the likelihood that President Joe Biden and predecessor Donald Trump would be respective contenders in the coming election. He termed Biden as ‘senile’, and justified this not as an act of rudeness, but merely a truthful statement.

Speaking further, Carlson discussed the difficulties Trump currently faces; a myriad of about ninety charges originating from four different indictments. Comparing this to Biden’s slipping popularity in the polls, he shed light on the curious predicament. ‘Even eliminating the competition doesn’t change the outcome of these polls. It’s an intriguing situation, to say the least,’ he noted.

Carlson voiced his uncertainty regarding future political proceedings, declaring, ‘This will not be a contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. I could stake my cherished fishing retreat in Maine that such a scenario will not transpire.’ He then prompted curiosity by asking, ‘So what will the alternative be?’ His answer was simply that there could be numerous outcomes and one may pick any of these.

However, Carlson didn’t shy away from expressing deep concern over a specific potential scenario. Should it be Gavin Newsom, he asserted, ‘we ought to be significantly troubled. The man is truly terrifying. I sincerely argue this.’ Carlson made it clear that his fears about Newsom warranted a separate conversation altogether.

The prominent media figurehead then assured everyone of the impending urgency of these matters. ‘They will be unavoidably confronted in the coming year. And the path to the November 2024 elections will be riddled with unpredictable developments,’ he asserted. This impending ride will be a rather serious affair considering the global leadership stakes involved.

Adding to the intrigue, Carlson suggested that these elections could end up being the most rewarding human franchise we’ve seen thus far. He then encouraged the audience to contemplate further. ‘What boundaries could they possibly not push?’ he questioned, ‘What past actions should we consider? What could possibly be their next move, and how should we brace ourselves for it? This is not the time for complacency.’

He cautioned that the relatively small cohort steering the United States does not echo the sentiments of most Americans. Carlson highlighted, ‘Just to recap, despite enduring severe loathing from nearly 40% of the populace and enduring unprecedented political attacks, Donald Trump is still ahead of the current President. This phenomenon is a clear indicator of widespread repulsion and deep-seated dissatisfaction with our current system.’

Despite the fact that a majority of Americans are not in favor of policies that threaten the very foundation of the nation, Carlson gravely warned of the ‘darkest’ individuals he claims he has encountered. ‘Those responsible for these circumstances are the most deceitful, relentless, and inhumane individuals I’ve come across in my three-and-a-half decades in Washington DC,’ he stated.

Carlson expressed his bewilderment, ‘I can’t recognize these individuals. Their actions are unimaginably dark. They’ve undertaken activities that, even academically, cannot possibly benefit the United States or its inhabitants.’ He hinted at Biden’s controversial border policies.

He referenced issues pertaining to border control under the Biden administration. This has resulted in ‘seven million individuals from the most economically challenged nations globally’ illegally entering the U.S, thereby obtaining public benefits. ‘That right there could potentially lead to the nation’s downfall,’ Carlson logically argued, ‘and they consciously decided on this.’

Carlson repeated and underscored his earlier assertion concerning these individuals. ‘These are exceedingly dark individuals,’ he emphasized. ‘The darkest.’

Reactions were mixed when news spread in April of Carlson parting ways with Fox News. The monumental decision was revealed publicly without clear reasons. However, after the revelation, a variety of conjectures arose regarding the behind-the-scenes events that lead to this.

Michael Wolff, during a dialogue on MSNBC, mentioned this event while discussing ‘The Fall: The End of Fox News and the Murdoch Dynasty’, his latest publication exploring the upheaval that plagued the network. Among the key issues was the curious case of how Rupert Murdoch, then the chairman of Fox News, decided on Carlson’s departure despite having a personal fondness for him.

Wolff proclaimed to MSNBC host Ari Melber that Carlson’s controversial dismissal from Fox News was due to the Dominion lawsuit. Fox, however, refutes this assertion.

With such an abrupt parting of ways and an undefined future political landscape, one must question the real narratives transpiring behind closed doors. The journey to the impending 2024 elections surely promises to be a fascinating and tumultuous ride, with many unexpected twists along the way.