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WATCH: Hillary Clinton Compares Trump to Adolf Hitler on The View


In the world of modern politics, varying opinions are as diverse as the prominent figures who hold them. Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has more than once voiced concern over the prospect of another Donald Trump presidency. Her concern ascends skyward and extends to envisioning an existential threat to America itself.

In a conversation with Sunny Hostin, a co-host on the prevalent talk show ‘The View,’ Clinton was asked to visualize the circumstances of a second Trump term. She responded with evident perturbation, claiming to find the very thought unbearable. ‘I think that would signify the demise of our nation as we recognize it,’ Clinton said. ‘That is not a proclamation I make casually.’

A previous presidential candidate herself, Clinton softened her stance somewhat, stating that even after losing to Trump in 2016, she stood in endorsement of giving him a fair chance.

‘I abhorred losing. But my defeat was made even more bitter by the fact it was a contest with him, considering I had noted potential forewarnings during his campaign,’ Clinton stated. ‘Despite this, I immediately pushed for supporting him as our president, wholeheartedly.’


However, her dissatisfaction quickly became public. Clinton distinguished Trump as an ‘unofficially elected president’ persistently after his triumph. ‘I really tried to support him, but right from his inauguration, he started accusing individuals of various fallacies and creating his own ‘facts’, thereby validating all my initial concerns,’ she mentioned.

Clinton suggested that a second term under Trump might be even more discordant. She believed that his first term was partially bridled by some of his appointees who resisted total alignment with him. ‘If anything, he would likely be worse now considering there were certain restraints in his first term—staff he trusted who ended up resisting him,’ she said.

Considering hypotheticals, Clinton painted an image of a second Trump administration. She said, ‘Now, if he gets near the Oval Office once again, Trump would pick yes-men with no principles or scruples, utterly dedicated to his will, ready to carry out his every demand. That would result in near unspeakable damage.’

Taking the conversation further, Clinton drew a parallel, albeit indirect, between Trump and infamous dictator, Adolf Hitler. ‘When I was serving as Secretary of State, I used to utter the phrase ‘one term and out’.’ Explaining her phrase, Clinton described regimes where legitimate elections were followed by attempts to stifle dissidence, elections, and free press.

She clarified, saying, ‘You may observe a pattern in countries where a leader gets legitimately elected, then makes efforts to discard the following elections, suppresses opposition, snuffs out free press. That’s reminiscent of Hitler’s era.’

This was met with agreement from one of the off-camera co-hosts. Pushing the narrative further, Clinton mentioned infringements on democracy where rising autocrats ‘shut things down,’ imprisoning their political rivals, just as Democrat governors imposed stringent COVID lockdowns or when the current administration took strict measures against the Jan. 6 Capitol protesters.

Making a sharper point, she further elucidated, ‘Trump is revealing his intentions to us.’ This point suggests that Trump is willing to implement the very strategies and tendencies that have historically characterized authoritarian regimes. She strongly recommended people to ‘take him at his word,’ implying that his actions may follow his rhetoric.

Politics is a myriad of different perspectives and varying opinions. Dialogue and scrutiny often catalyze distinct interpretations of the same landscape. Hilary Clinton’s views and reflections on another possible Trump term offer a unique perspective on American politics.

However subjective and polarizing these views may be, they undeniably play a role in public discourse. Evaluating and understanding these viewpoints helps us build a nuanced and broader understanding of the world. In the end, the decisions we, as a society make, influence the direction we proceed in.

What the future holds for American politics is inevitably uncertain. As citizens, we must strive to remain informed, objective, and remember the principles upon which our great nation was founded. Thus ensuring that we continue honoring democratic systems, preserving freedoms and justice for all.