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Biden Scandal Shaping up to Be One of the Worst in History


Former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer’s testimony on Vice President Biden’s involvement in his son’s business dealings has raised concerns about a potential historic scandal. Some question how Joe Biden could travel to China with his son and not inquire about their activities or the people they met.

There are emails referring to a 10% cut for the president, indicating shared accounts and questionable financial arrangements.

The scheme was cleverly designed to indirectly benefit the Biden family without direct ties to the president. We must uncover the complete truth in this matter, for it has the potential to become one of the most significant corruption scandals in Washington’s history.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has accused President Biden of lying to the American people about his knowledge of his son’s business activities.

During a closed-door hearing, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime friend and associate, revealed that Joe Biden was frequently present during business meetings, even speaking on the phone to promote the family brand.

This testimony further challenges the president’s previous denials. It is crucial for us to delve into this issue and obtain the facts, as this scandal has the potential to shake the foundations of trust in our nation’s capital.

The evidence surrounding Hunter Biden’s international business ventures and his father’s alleged involvement is concerning. While it may strain credibility to believe that Joe Biden was unaware of the nature of these meetings, there are other indicators suggesting shared accounts and financial arrangements benefiting the president.

For instance, Hunter Biden mentioned taking money to pay his father’s bills, insinuating a financial connection. Furthermore, the intricate scheme that allowed indirect benefits to flow to the Biden family demands a thorough investigation, as it stands to become an unprecedented corruption scandal.

Jonathan Turley, a Fox News contributor, brings forth valid questions about Joe Biden’s role in his son’s business dealings. The lack of inquiry regarding their travels and meetings in China appears implausible, especially considering the potential risks involved.

Emails referencing a 10% cut going to the president, referred to as ‘the big guy,’ raise further concerns. Additionally, accounts were allegedly established to cover expenses for both the president and the first lady.

Hunter Biden himself acknowledged the family’s expertise in these matters, emphasizing the influence they wielded. These revelations strengthen the need to unveil the complete truth, potentially exposing one of the largest corruption scandals in Washington’s history.

The House Oversight Committee’s closed-door hearing with Devon Archer shed light on the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s business affairs.

Archer revealed that Hunter Biden frequently placed his father on speakerphone during meetings with business partners, demonstrating the president’s active engagement.

This contradicts President Biden’s previous claims of being unaware and uninvolved. Concerns arise when considering the potential influence the president wielded while ‘selling the brand’ during those calls. The gravity of this situation calls for a thorough investigation, as it threatens to become a landmark corruption scandal within our nation’s capital.

The testimony from Devon Archer, a former business associate and close friend of Hunter Biden, has brought the audience’s attention to the potential involvement of President Biden in his son’s business dealings.

Questions arise when we consider the plausibility of Joe Biden not inquiring about their activities during their trip to China. Moreover, emails referencing a 10% cut going to the president and mentions of accounts covering expenses for the president and the first lady imply deeper financial ties.

These circumstances surrounding benefit allocation to the Biden family necessitate a comprehensive disclosure, as this controversy has the potential to go down as one of the most significant corruption scandals in Washington’s history.

In the wake of Devon Archer’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee, it has become evident that President Biden misled the American people regarding his knowledge of his son’s business ventures.

Archer’s appearance shed light on the frequency with which Hunter Biden involved his father in his dealings, showcasing the president’s active participation. This revelation contradicts Joe Biden’s previous statements disavowing any involvement.

The implications of these revelations are drastic, warranting a thorough investigation to bring the truth to light. The possibility of a historic corruption scandal looms over Washington, demanding our attention and scrutiny.

The recent hearing involving Devon Archer has prompted speculation about Vice President Biden’s awareness of his son’s business activities. It seems far-fetched to believe that Joe Biden, while traveling to China with his son, remained oblivious to the nature of their meetings. Suspicions deepen with emails suggesting a 10% cut for the president and the involvement of accounts related to the presidency.

Hunter Biden’s own comments about covering his father’s expenses allude to a closer financial link. We cannot underestimate the significance of these allegations, which could unravel into an unparalleled corruption scandal in the nation’s capital.

Jonathan Turley, a Fox News contributor, has raised serious doubts about Joe Biden’s knowledge of his son’s business transactions. It seems implausible that the then-Vice President would accompany his son to China without inquiring about their activities.

Additionally, Hunter Biden’s references to jointly shared accounts and an exchange about covering his father’s expenses have fueled further speculation. These revelations challenge the narrative of the president’s innocence and demand a comprehensive investigation.

As we delve deeper, the potential for this scandal to become one of the most prevalent instances of corruption in Washington’s history becomes increasingly apparent.

The testimony given by Devon Archer regarding Hunter Biden’s business dealings has raised concerns about the level of involvement by then-Vice President Biden. People are skeptical that Joe Biden could travel to China with his son and remain completely unaware of the purpose of their meetings.

The existence of emails referencing a 10% cut for ‘the big guy,’ as well as shared accounts for the president and the first lady, suggests a deeper financial connection within the Biden family.

These aspects require thorough scrutiny, as they contribute to what could potentially become an unprecedented corruption scandal in Washington.

Devon Archer’s appearance before the House Oversight Committee has brought new revelations concerning President Biden’s awareness of his son’s business activities. Joe Biden’s repeated denial of any involvement is undermined by Archer’s testimony, which describes how Hunter Biden frequently connected his father via speakerphone during meetings.

This indicates a significant level of participation on the part of the president. The ramifications of these revelations are far-reaching, warranting a comprehensive investigation to ascertain the truth. If proven, this scandal could surpass any previous corruption cases in Washington’s history, leaving an indelible mark on our society.

Jonathan Turley, in his analysis of the testimony surrounding Hunter Biden’s business dealings, raises valid doubts about the extent of Joe Biden’s involvement. It is difficult to believe that the then-Vice President would embark on a trip to China without inquiring about his son’s intentions.

The existence of emails mentioning a 10% cut for the president and accounts covering expenses for the Bidens adds to the suspicion. This intricate scheme presents a dire need for the complete disclosure of facts. We must not turn a blind eye to this matter, as it has the potential to become an unprecedented corruption scandal in the annals of Washington’s history.

The testimony from Devon Archer, a former associate of Hunter Biden, has cast doubt on Joe Biden’s claims of ignorance regarding his son’s business dealings. It stretches the imagination to think that the then-Vice President would travel with his son to China without seeking clarity on their activities.

Compounding concerns are the emails referring to a 10% share for ‘the big guy’ and accounts designated for presidential expenses. The intricate nature of these arrangements demands a thorough investigation. The ramifications of this potential scandal cannot be understated, as it threatens to become an indelible mark on Washington’s history.

The recent testimony by Devon Archer offers a glimpse into Vice President Biden’s involvement in his son’s business affairs. It is hard to believe that Joe Biden would not inquire about their activities while traveling to China together.

Additional evidence indicates shared accounts and financial arrangements benefiting the president. Hunter Biden’s acknowledgment of their expertise in manipulating influence further fuels suspicions about their actions.

This necessitates a determined pursuit of the truth. Unveiling the full story is vital, as this scandal has the potential to rank among the most egregious corruption cases in the history of Washington.

Devon Archer’s testimony concerning Hunter Biden’s business ties has raised significant concerns about the involvement of President Biden. The idea that Joe Biden traveled alongside his son to China without seeking information about their activities appears implausible.

The existence of emails mentioning a 10% cut for the president and accounts for presidential expenses suggests deeper financial connections. These allegations, combined with Hunter Biden’s own statements, demand a thorough investigation.

We cannot overlook this matter, as it may develop into one of the most notable corruption scandals in Washington’s history, challenging the foundations of our political system.

Jonathan Turley raises legitimate questions regarding Joe Biden’s knowledge of his son’s business involvements. It is difficult to fathom that the then-Vice President would accompany his son to China without discussing the purpose of their trip or the people they were meeting.

The existence of emails alluding to a 10% cut for the president and accounts for presidential expenses further adds to the suspicion. The intricate nature of the alleged scheme warrants a complete and impartial investigation.

Uncovering the entire truth is imperative, as this scandal could potentially become one of the most significant instances of corruption Washington has ever witnessed.

The recent testimony provided by Devon Archer presents serious concerns regarding Joe Biden’s knowledge of his son’s business dealings. The idea that the then-Vice President traveled to China with his son and remained oblivious to their activities is difficult to accept.

The references to a 10% cut for the president and accounts designated for presidential expenses raise further doubts. Hunter Biden’s own statements hint at their effectiveness in leveraging influence. We must thoroughly investigate these allegations to uncover the truth. This scandal carries the potential to become an unprecedented case of corruption in the annals of Washington.

Former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer’s revelations surrounding Vice President Biden’s participation in his son’s business entanglements are raising alarms. It strains credibility to believe that traveling to China, Joe Biden did not inquire about their purposes or the people they interacted with.

Emails referencing a 10% cut going to the president and accounts for presidential expenses only add to the disturbing narrative. Hunter Biden’s comments reinforce the notion that influence and financial gains were at play. We owe it to ourselves to conduct a thorough examination of this situation, for it could be a scandal of historic proportions.

Jonathan Turley’s analysis of the testimony presented sheds light on Joe Biden’s potential involvement in his son’s business affairs.

The notion that the then-Vice President flew to China without discussing the purpose of the trip or inquiring about their meetings is difficult to accept. Additionally, emails referring to a 10% cut for the president and accounts related to the presidency deepen the suspicion.

Those involved seemed to have developed an intricate scheme to garner indirect benefits for the Biden family. We must not ignore these allegations, as they have the potential to become one of the most consequential corruption scandals in Washington’s history.