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Hunter Biden’s Tax Charges Agreement Falls Apart Due to Immunity Issues


Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, encountered complications in his plea agreement for two misdemeanor tax charges due to issues surrounding immunity. The agreement, which was initially anticipated, fell through when federal prosecutors and the defense failed to reach a consensus.

Judge Maryellen Noreika, presiding over the hearing, expressed concerns about linking the tax plea agreement to a felony gun charge. Subsequently, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to all charges once his proposed plea deal lost its immunity from further prosecutions.

Judge Noreika scrutinized the constitutionality of the proposed plea agreement, particularly focusing on the diversion clause and the immunity Hunter Biden would receive. She questioned federal prosecutors about the ongoing investigation and inquired if there could be future charges against Hunter Biden.

Although the prosecutors confirmed an active investigation, they refrained from providing specific details about the subject of the investigation. Despite Hunter Biden’s plea on two misdemeanor tax offenses, prosecutors emphasized that it would not protect him from potential future charges.

After discussing the plea deal between federal prosecutors and Biden’s legal team, Judge Noreika placed the court in recess, recognizing the disagreement between the parties regarding the terms of the agreement.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley expressed his belief that the judge’s intervention highlighted flaws in the deal and suggested that additional charges might be forthcoming. Hawley considered the scope of the agreement unreasonable from the outset, indicating that the court’s concerns likely indicated the potential for further prosecution.

Earlier that day, the federal district judge in Delaware temporarily left the bench while lawyers deliberated over the final conditions of Hunter Biden’s plea deal. Hunter Biden and his attorneys argued for the acceptance of the prearranged plea agreement in its entirety.

During the hearing, Hunter Biden acknowledged his past drug and alcohol abuse that spanned two decades but emphasized his sobriety since 2019. Concerning the charges, without the plea arrangement, President Joe Biden’s son could face substantial penalties, including imprisonment and significant fines.

The charges against Hunter Biden stem from willful tax neglect spanning 2017 and 2018, during which he failed to pay income taxes, resulting in a substantial debt for each tax period. Additionally, the felony charge is related to a 2018 incident in which the president’s son falsified information on a gun application while attempting to make a purchase at a Delaware gun store.

These legal troubles add to the serious accusations Hunter Biden faces from an IRS whistleblower in a separate matter, implicating potential financial benefits to President Joe Biden as a result of his son’s business deals.

The IRS whistleblower, Joseph Ziegler, testified before a House committee last week, shedding light on the obstacles encountered during his investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax violations. Ziegler explained that he faced numerous roadblocks when attempting to investigate potential financial benefits of President Biden arising from his son’s deals.

Questions related to the president required additional approvals and often resulted in them being put on hold. Ziegler’s acknowledgment of this environment made it difficult for him to proceed with the investigation.

CBS News reporter Catherine Herridge asked Ziegler if evidence showed that President Biden financially benefited from his son’s deals. Ziegler refrained from directly answering the question, stating his discomfort in doing so.

Ziegler further explained that requests to interview Hunter Biden’s adult children, who were involved in some of the business deductions and expenses, were denied, as it would have caused complications.

CBS News highlighted that Ziegler, a 13-year veteran of the IRS, was the second IRS employee to indicate potential criminal charges beyond the misdemeanor tax charges Hunter Biden is scheduled to plead guilty to.

Ziegler’s concern lies in whether all taxpayers are treated fairly. His experience in the case indicated that this was not the case, as roadblocks hindered his investigation. When questioning the assistant U.S. attorney regarding the lack of approval to talk to certain individuals, Ziegler was informed that doing so would result in trouble.

The rigorous process of obtaining approvals and the constant obstacles placed in his way made it challenging for Ziegler to proceed with his investigation.

The issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s plea agreement on tax charges have sparked significant debate and speculation about potential future charges.

The judge’s refusal to accept the proposed deal and her concern over the immunity granted to Hunter Biden have raised questions about the constitutionality of the agreement. While there is an ongoing investigation, the specific details regarding the subject of the investigation have not been disclosed. It remains to be seen how this case will develop within the legal system.